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Religious Debates Are Banned


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Since people forget to keep themselves updated with the rules I've decided to spare the moderators the hassle of continually reminding people and put up a nice sticky warning...Religious debates of any sort are not allowed in these forums.


The reasons are available in the now locked threads that contained them for people to find out for themselves. Debates cannot be started about religion (i.e. Why does God say this? Why is there more than one religion? etc.) and religion cannot come into your argument (I believe that abortion is wrong because God says it is. I think homosexual marriages should not be allowed because my religion dictates it's wrong. etc.).

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Good idea Dark0ne, editing my post and not even having the courage to admit you did it.


You know just as well as I do that this is the exact thread you removed my moderator powers for insisting was necessary. And guess who was right. Yep, by posting it, you concede that I was right the whole time. I know you'll never restore them and admit you were wrong, so I guess I'll have to settle for this thread's existence.

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I don't believe Dark0ne is stopping you from talking about religion Indoril, there are thousands of forums out there. It's only on this one such subjects are banned because of bitter experience several times in the past. As the forum is his he can set whatever rules he likes.
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That, and it's more of a "We are skirting this topic because it WILL result in flame wars, WILL make tempers flare, WILL make spam, and WILL clot the forum with useless protestations related to religion in its myriad forms". It isn't a "Religion doesn’t exist... Lalalalalalala-I-can't-hear-you-lalalalala..." or a "Religion is worthless and is too stupid to be discussed" or a "Religion never affected anything- why talk about it here?" thread.
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Yeah but honestly, I empathize with Dark0ne on this because in the end, a topic on religion is a lose lose situation. Neither side will give ground, and it's utterly pointless. But, when arguing things like Evolution, it's impossible to avoid debating it within a religious context, because that is essentially the largest and widely used counter-argument against Evolution and Darwinism. Topics that are centered around "Who's Religion is better" or something of that sort should be banned, but for other topics wherein the lines are blurred, posters should be warned that they need to be mindful not to hijack the thread and turn it into a religious flame war; that has happened many a time IIRC.


But yeah, if you want to argue about the existence of God, I suggest you refrain from it. It'll wind up in a stalemate or a locked thread because of flaming. Or it'll go nowhere.

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  • 2 months later...
religon is a touchie subject and maybe it should be left to scollers to discuss in church's and mosques and maybe the odd temple, simple people like us have no right to say whats right are wrong i leave that to bent politicians lol, so Dark0ne when are we gonna ban politics. :laugh2:
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yeah and why do religious people get bent out of shape about evolution there is more evidance to substantiate that than the other that were not aloud to talk about,

and did HE put dinosour bones in the ground 65 million years ago just for us to find when the latter says that the earth is only about 12 thousand years old.

i wonder how shocked the holy ones were when they found that a homo sapien was found just of the borders of rushia that was way over our alotted time here,

i do appologise for the vagueness but i dont want to offened people.

Dark0ne dont think im having a pop at you i like that you have removed religion debates from this forum they are whole hartedly anoying and its true you cant shake a truly faithful persons believe.

So maty if you think me offensive i am sorry :D

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andrus, when it says debates are banned it does NOT give you an excuse to post religious opinions in the guise of agreeing with the ban or whatever. Please stick to the rules - no religious comments.


And theres no need to double post. If you need to add to a post there is an edit button.

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