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Scripts not compiled


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I was working on my mod and made a new script and a message came up when I was loading the CS that basically said that my script was not compiled. So I go to 'File' | 'Recompile all' and I did then it said that on the scripts 'Float' and 'Sign Rotate' that they couldnt compile. I did nothing to either of them, so I dont think its my fault but it could be. Anyways, it says that on line 35 of the Float script and line 42 of the Sign Rotate script that there needs to be an X, Y, or Z, and there is already an x on both of them.. So I figured that it might be wrong that it is a lower case X, so I changed it to uppercase on both of them and it said the same exact thing. I dont know if I need to reset the script somehow or if I can just get it from someone else, but every time I load it, it says that and I also dont know if it will screw up my mod when it is ready to release. Please help if you can! =(
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I got the same error, just leave that problem be, usually it will work if you just continue and ignore. But I don't know how to fix the problem. As long as they work then your fine. Either you messed with a global variable, either way I don't really know, for now just leave it be. Hopfully your mod wil run with out problems.
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Copy the script, start a new one paste the script in there and then save. If it save then the script should be ok. Delete the old one (you will need to change the name to say floatv1 or something temporarily) then rename the new one walla. This is just a suggestio nsince I don't know what your script is. If it is not too long post it and I will take a look at it. or you can just send it to me. Good luck
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You could try this.


Copy and paste the 2 scripts into notepad.


Then load up the CS with just morrowind, tribunal and bloodmoon (you may not need the last 2)


now load the one of the scripts and compare them. If they are different make the changes in notepad then load up you mod again and do a copy and paste.


Good luck

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ignore them. those two scripts do not compile by defult and are not recognised by the editor simply clean up the mod afterwards by removing references to those paticular scripts with another program.
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I dunno. What programs (besides TESAME *sp?*) would I need to finish off a mod without any problems? I have a few people helping me, but I'll be putting it all together on my computer and releasing it.
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