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Vortex Not Showing Many Titles in Games Section


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I recently downloaded Vortex and intended to use it as my mod manager for Starfield, however, when I check my games tab in vortex, only 84 titles are listed under unmanaged, and this does not include Starfield. I have tried a variety of fixes including uninstalling and reinstalling Vortex. Is there any known cause and or fix for this issue?

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Why would we block github


If you're blocking GitHub communication it won't show all games. You can browse them at https://nexusmods.com/site

Why would we block github?


I've been blocked on 7DaysToDie and StardewValley - both are bundled (not my games).

Attempts to 'restart' fail because it complains about these two non-existent games.


I'm trying to find the config file that would allow me to delete these two games from the built-in bundle.

Edited by mudcrabjames
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