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Why does this exist?


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Why does this topic exist when the creation kit doesn't? Not that we all don't wish it were otherwise of course. But sadly bugthesda's/zenimax's/microsoft's anticonsumerism has reached new lows of malevolent prissiness. :mad:

Edited by VearCon64
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I take it you are mad that the CK is not available on launch? It was 6 months after release before the FO4 CK was released so...nothing new here. Can't blame BGS for wanting to release their updates and DLC without having to take into account a dozen or more large popular mods not mention the endless deluge of "your latest patch broke all my mods" complaints that would come with it. BGS is the ONLY company in the entire industry giving us practically the same tools they used to create our own content for their game and yet so many feel entitled to those tools as if it's an industry standard. We will get what we get when we get it and we should be damn thankful we get anything at all. I know I am and since i have been waiting patiently for this game for over 5 years I can wait another 6 months for the tools. In the meantime I will busy myself with... you know...PLAYING the game.

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Well, if the prior games did not exist with official modding tools, you might have a point- I mean no-one could then usefully anticipate what form those tools might take. HOWEVER the prior games do exist, use essentially the same engine, and therefore their official modding tools tell people a lot about Starfield's yet to be released modding tools. Even more so now the game's been released, and people have insight via the game files, and the experience of the game itself.


And Starfield represents PEAK MODDING- a Beth game literally of interest because it can be modded, and for no other reason (given that the vanilla game is awful in every respect, and a massive disappointment). Everyone with a serious interest in Starfield imagines what the game could now become after everything is improved, and decent content added in. Modders want to hit the ground running. I think many ambitious modders want to do mods that only the official tools will allow, but want to prep as much work as possible before they release. I think such early pre-emptive effort can be said to still fall under the title of this forum.

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