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Banning Accounts by Admins


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Im an older player, been playing online type games since 1984 and then some of those were not even online. I used to play Donkey Kong and Mr & Mrs Pacman while eating pizza that was a game table! LOL You Admins have a tough job, the rules are the rules established. However, I have read some of the reasons for the ban lists and have had to laugh at those who seem to ignore the rules and then wonder why.


Being abusive seems to be the nature of some of those banned, but the replies from the Admins crack me up as well. Thanks Admins for making me laugh. Im an Admin elsewhere, so I understand when some people just cant seem to wrap their tiny mind around the concept of ignoring the rules.

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Two things i find just plain Stupid when your a Newbie or an existing Modder, why in the name of Talos would you either make Two Accounts or Pirate the Game.

Because being a dummy isn't understood? LOL



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I wonder how many accounts across the world have been banned because of that gloriously contested patch of disputed territory between Lebanon and Egypt somewhere west of the Jordan river?


Seriously, if you thought nothing poked the hornet's nest like honey in a vegan forum try visiting the Holy Land ... if Armageddon is a Flame War banning is the Rapture: half the population disappears and all those Left Behind sort of scratch their heads wondering how it all went wrong.


The Mother of All Flame Wars is a big mushroom cloud, all terror and beauty. Piracy is like "Hey I found this hack ..." and *click* it's all over, water doused on a match barely struck, but the Mother of All Flame Wars burns with the light of a thousand suns before the inevitable end.


Okay I'm running out of metaphors. I've enjoyed the thread, though. I was a moderator, once, too, but never locked a thread, so I suppose I'm one of those "veterans" who has never been in combat. I've seen it, though ... I've seen it ...

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This might be epic.


You are the perfect exemple of people who abuse of power , hell the system is so stupid bann me to your heart content i will create another email another account even changing my ip by phoning my internet provider.
THE only thing that will make me is nastier :laugh: and someday i will retrieve you guys don care of i have to paid a plane ticket dont care if i will travel half the world.
I will retrieve you and pound you so much that my hand will be red and dont worry I am an ex-legionary killing is not a problem :laugh:
Edited by alanarg
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