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Compatibility Patch Creation?


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Hello all, I am by no means an expert modder and I'm presently a bit rusty at that so please bear what's most likely a very basic question.


I would like to create a patch of another mod so it and one of my mods can coexist peacefully (nothing major, just removing a few items) as opposed to creating an edited .esp of the other mod. Can someone please point me to directions as to how to accomplish this? Thank you and much appreciated.

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If the other mod's a .esp and not a .esm then I think you'll need to change your mod to work around it or create a replacer .esp for the other mod. Oblivion and later introduced FormIDs so one .esp could edit items from another .esp. Morrowind doesn't have that.


You could try using Mash to change the your plugin and the other one to .esm, making them both masters for the new patch plugin. But that would mean the patch plugin is dependent on the .esm versions so you'd need to change them back to .esp using TESAME or something. As (AFAIK) no-one does this I doubt it will work.


So I think it's work around the other plugin or create a replacer.

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