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Free energy, the myths and legends, and reality.


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Hello i figured i would add something to debate about, what do you think of this so called free energy, is it a reality or a made up conspiracy???.. For the open minded people like me, i believe it exists and its being used right now. The question is, will it become available to the average home.


My favorites are


The bloom Box




Cold Fusion


those so called do it yourself on the youtubes.



Out of all of those, the one that stands out the most is the Bloom box, they say is being used by Google, and Ebay.


I only recently heard of this bloom energy, back in 2010 it was announced.. Funny what you stumble upon in the youtubes.



The debate is, what do you think of all this so called free energy, is it really free??

Edited by Thor.
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This bloom thing, smells like pretty much every other claim ever made. Like the Italian guy selling cold fusion, or the guy before him that did it. All frauds.


It's pretty much all bollocks.


There was a Nobel prize winning physicist that turned up at some science conference a couple years ago that said he was looking into something along the lines of quantum perpetual motion, it was vague at the time but all I remembered was 'time crystals'. It confused the hell out of every scientist there, but since the guy saying isn't a hack like every other source of purported free energy, no one can easily dismiss it,


Anyway I just googled that guy up and it turns out he's still moving forward with it and more info https://www.simonsfoundation.org/quanta/20130425-perpetual-motion-test-could-amend-theory-of-time/


And since it's still theoretical and they haven't even observed the ion doing what he hopes, it's miles from harnessing it even if it's possible or even viable.

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Why do you think its all censored, could it be the higher ups saying no to the technology, or silencing the media on free energy... I believe its its both.

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When I went to college I did a research paper on perpetual motion devices. Back then an Ion engine was consider still science fiction then a year later the 1st Ion engine was shot out into outer space by NASA. One of the most interesting things I found in my research was almost all know ideas for perpetual motion devices had already been patented by all big oil companies which none of the ideas have ever been put to practical use or even tried...


This Bloom box is not as science fiction as most people would think. for one thing it still uses fuel or another source of power to put the device in motion. The thing is every device (no exception) that can generate power always need something that 1st can create the "current" that can then be dropped onto some type of "resistance" to create "voltage". It's the basics of Ohms Law...


I always thought "zero point" energy would be the next step in "free" energy creating mircoscopic "vacuums" like outer space on earth to generate unlimited "current". Guess the world is still not ready to get off fossil fuels.... And I know we have the existing technologies to create tiny controlled "vacuums" on earth that would be "clean" and "free"....

Edited by colourwheel
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Thorium reactors are not a pipe dream the US actually had one running continuously for 19 years if i recall correctly , but the powers that be decided to drop further developmnet of it because you cant make bombs out of thorium.


Many scientific papers have been written proving that in the long run thorium is the better choice .


[post=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thorium-based_nuclear_power]Wiki Thorium Page[/post]

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Why do you think its all censored, could it be the higher ups saying no to the technology, or silencing the media on free energy... I believe its its both.

Because the guy explained it himself.


It is not 'free energy'.


It is a fuel cell and green. That is why it was cheaper for those Californian companies to use it as they get a 20% tax reduction by the state.


The bloom boxes in use are using natural gas. which costs. And if you read the projected savings of costs, the only reason those big companies jumped on it is because of the tax breaks. And so on.

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That's what the company decided to use as a power source. The bloom box can use Oxygen, and many other forms of gas to produce Energy if you watched the video.


Here is another long video going deep into the subject Thorium.


USA and Canada actually have no choice but to build a thorium reactor, because they fear China will beat them to it.

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What it essentially boils down to is this... Those people who can implement any sort of change toward how we generate and manage power are all businessmen. Science could tell everyone that Thorium reactors are the power source of the future, but people will still be buying into solar and wind power, and trading in oil and natural gas because that is what they're familiar with, that is what companies endorse, and that is what they can probably make the most money from using in the short term. There is currently no body among Western powers who directs anything for plans beyond the next election cycle any more. Nevermind anyone who can clear through the red tape related to building any new power plants, refineries, or anything which might support a more efficient power source.

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That's what the company decided to use as a power source. The bloom box can use Oxygen, and many other forms of gas to produce Energy if you watched the video.



You always need oxygen input regardless of fuel type used. The oxygen is used to oxidize the fuel input to produce electricity.


It uses methane or gas plus oxygen to produce water, CO2, heat and electricity. The alternatives to gas fuel was stated to be other things, like solar. Which is the interesting part of the tech, if it really is easily multipurpose that's pretty cool. I can't find any where that it makes energy cheap besides running on government subsidies and certainly isn't free energy.

Edited by Ghogiel
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