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Swapping parts between ships


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What I would like to see, is the abiity to 'break down' captured ships for parts. (space chop shop?) Have an 'inventory' of spare parts which the game can track anyway..... so, when you want to change something on your ship, you can look thru your inventory, and see if you already have one.

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What I would like to see, is the abiity to 'break down' captured ships for parts. (space chop shop?) Have an 'inventory' of spare parts which the game can track anyway..... so, when you want to change something on your ship, you can look thru your inventory, and see if you already have one.

this is ideally

for a start, what I wrote in #3 would be enough

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  • 3 months later...
12 minutes ago, HeyYou said:

I suspect this is one of those thinks we are going to have to wait for the CK for.

And Beth's claim that the CK will show up in January is incredibly optimistic.  The game has to be patched to properly support modding (adding plugins.txt and loadorder.txt the same as previous titles), and they don't plan on patching anything until mid-February sometime, assuming that doesn't get pushed back.  So we are talking a month at best, and more likely another 6 weeks after that.

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34 minutes ago, aurreth said:

And Beth's claim that the CK will show up in January is incredibly optimistic.  The game has to be patched to properly support modding (adding plugins.txt and loadorder.txt the same as previous titles), and they don't plan on patching anything until mid-February sometime, assuming that doesn't get pushed back.  So we are talking a month at best, and more likely another 6 weeks after that.

Last I heard, it was 'early 2024'..... We won't see another patch until some time in February.... and I REALLY don't expect to see the CK before then.

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57 minutes ago, HeyYou said:

Last I heard, it was 'early 2024'..... We won't see another patch until some time in February.... and I REALLY don't expect to see the CK before then.

I don't expect until this summer.  I firmly believe they are going to want the latest incarnation of Creation Club (marketplace?) in place so that they can jump right in with monetizing other peoples' work. 

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1 hour ago, aurreth said:

I don't expect until this summer.  I firmly believe they are going to want the latest incarnation of Creation Club (marketplace?) in place so that they can jump right in with monetizing other peoples' work. 

I would expect that most of it is already in place..... Now, they just need content, and for that, modders need the CK. After all, I think they have been planning a move of this nature when the decided to start hosting mods, and putting mods on consoles. After all, consoles are going to be their biggest market. Too bad that MS decided they aren't going to get a full half of their target market though. (Play Station folks.)

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I don't know what their plan is but technically speaking the release of the Creation Kit isn't something they need to plan. Very likely they take the developer version and cut the features utilizable through external APIs (scripts to handle large data, probably only on powerful servers) and proprietary portion of code that they're not authorized to share with third parties. I think they're still working on the dynamic FormID issue though. That's probably more important than new content that unavoidably registers new forms to saves.

Edited by LarannKiar
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