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u cant use any of the musical instruments in morrowind, theyre just 4 display


tho theres probably a plugin out there somewhere which lets u play em


EDIT: hey pob lol sorry u posted while i was posting

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There is a plug-in. go to www.elderscrolls.com and go to downloads and then go to plug-ins. there should be one called the Entertainers plug-in that lets you tell jokes, dance and play musical instruments. Download it. Then go to 8 plates in Balmora and talk to Dulnea Ralaal. She willgive you the options.
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Aha there IS a musical instrument in morrowind you can use but the public is nasty and ugly and most off all.....dead.


Whenever you go to a 6th house shrine a 6TH not DAEDRIC there is mostly the main altar and nearby are a some kind of bell instrument. If you use the bell's they make a sound. Try and see if you can play any famous songs. And dont worry tehre isnt gonna show up some ugly mother in law when you hit the wrong note....

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