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TES:Construction Set isn't working after installing OBSE v0021


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I'm a Steam user.

& there's one thing I don't understand in the obse_readme.txt:


"As of v0021, the loader uses a different method to start the TESConstructionSet.

The new implementation may be incompatible with some third-party plugins.

To revert to the old method, use the '-oldinject' switch."


So how to use the '-oldinject' switch?



Edited by lovender
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Just a guess (not using version 0021 yet) but I'd say edit your Construction Set desktop short cut to read "...\Oblivion\obse_loader.exe" -oldinject (same way as the CS desktop path was edited to "...\Oblivion\obse_loader.exe" -editor with version 0020 and of course replacing the ... with your path, in my install full path to version 0020 CS desktop shortcut is "G:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\obse_loader.exe" -editor).

Edited by Striker879
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Well, I did it like that: "...\Oblivion\obse_loader.exe" -oldinject

But then when I click on the shot cut, there's an error saying:


"You are trying to use a Steam version of Oblivion.

Steam users should launch the game through Steam, not by running obse_loader.exe."


Same with OBMM. I can't launch Oblivion through OBMM.

Only through Steam Oblivion desktop short cut.


Hmmm...so dilematic.

I'm using obse v0021 because of the mod Tail-slot Equipment Helper.

It will automatically equip your NPC with tail slot equipment.

But now, I can't use Construction Set.


What I did now is try to set the target path to: "...\Oblivion\TESConstructionSet.exe"

& the Construction Set is working now.

What I'm afraid of is just if some script can't be saved using the editor.

Let's hope it didn't happen.

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Good idea!

But then when I click on the short cut, a console window appears and TES:CS has no respond.


& so, I tried to install CSE http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/36370/?

At least for now I can work with TES:CS again & edit the script.


Thanks for your attention.


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The other thing to try is reverse the order of the switches (so instead of "...\Oblivion\obse_loader.exe" -editor -oldinject try "...\Oblivion\obse_loader.exe" -oldinject -editor). I'm getting the impression from various posts on here that the new version of OBSE isn't playing 100% nice with any of the Steam versions of the game (pure Steam or the Anthology version).

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  • 7 years later...

Wish I understood any of the above. Just trying to learn by using Oblivion a game that I love.


Recently my computer glitched though a windows security update and everything started to go wrong.... how / why is beyond me!


Anyhow I have since re-downloaded the construction set, re-downloaded OBSE, but they will not work together.... tried the batch files tried using the command prompt idea but each fail. the CS will not recognise OBSE commands.... Why?


I know that this is the year 2021! Wows! and yes I know you were all programming and creating mods in this beautiful game many moons ago but during these lockdowns (currently 3 of however many for the UK) I've been trying to learn how to do this... On the most part its been through internet research and in some cases downloading other peoples ideas and adapting them... I would really love to find one of you, any of you that is or was experienced in Oblivion modding and pay to remotely teach me! just send me a message please! My mod is near completion two more scripts to go and then set how the player gets it.... and I've loved every minute of this but this last two or three weeks where I either cannot use OBSE or need to make the CS like OBSE have beaten me.... I cannot find the answer.


Please help!

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Thank you! Am in process of reinstalling everything. I deleted oblivion and absolutely everything associated with it this morning and am reinstalling currently...


If I'm right the CS is using OBSE as a library function... Yet I cannot find a way of telling the CS it needs to use OBSE.


I'd really love to learn to program and I've loved making my mod. I started out without any intention of releasing it, I just fancied having a go... But wow getting it tested in the real world would be great!

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Cool :smile:


OBSE is 7 years old and the development have resstarted again and is now called xOBSE and it works the same way and the first release was some bug fixes for v0.21 so try it out.


OBSE is sent to us from above. I code a lot and I can finally make the code more like the C++ stucture, which we couldn't do 14 years ago so now we can do stuff that was impossible to do before OBSE came out.


So if you code and use the OBSE commands, you must load OBSE with the -editor flag or do as Striker told you to. One good way to see if it is actually working is to make a OBSE script and make it simple. Message is the old CS way of putting messages up at the left corner and MessageEX is OBSE.


begin OnActivate

	MessageEX "Hello world"

If you are able to compile it, then OBSE is active. If you fail, then something is screwed up and OBSE is not activated. If your game crashes when you activate that object, OBSE is not loaded.


What makes MessageEX better? Well it is able to show all variable types, which Message cannot. Sometimes I try to use Message with other variables by mistake and that is a good way to crash the game and it crash immediate.

Edited by Pellape
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