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TES:Construction Set isn't working after installing OBSE v0021


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You don't start the Construction Set (CS) using TES4_Construction_Set_1.2.404.exe if you want OBSE support ... you start it with obse_loader.exe while adding the -editor switch.


If you have a desktop shortcut for the CS already setup (possibly during the CS installation) you will need to edit the Target field. Right click the CS desktop shortcut and select Properties from the right click menu. The Target field will probably already have the entire path to the CS highlighted ... single left click anywhere in the field to remove the highlight.


Depending on where you have your game installed the first part of the path will vary from my example (I have the game installed on a separate hard drive). So my CS shortcut showed "G:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\TES4_Construction_Set_1.2.404.exe" when I first installed the CS. Once you have clicked to remove the highlight you will use either the mouse or cursor/arrow keys to move the selection point to just behind the 404 part of TES4_Construction_Set_1.2.404.exe and backspace over all of the TES4_Construction_Set_1.2.404 part to remove it (leave the .exe" part including that apostrophe). Type in obse_loader (so now your complete path will read "G:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\obse_loader.exe" (of course starting with the drive letter and top level folders corresponding to where you installed your game).


We finish off by adding the -editor switch that tells OBSE to load the CS. The -editor part gets added after/outside the apostrophes so in the end it will look like this ... "G:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\obse_loader.exe" -editor and all other options and fields in the Properties dialogue box left as they were.

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Thank you for this.


I think... I really do not know, my problem is the other way round. Um, oblivion using OBSE works for me. The TES Construction Set is not using OBSE.


I could not compile Pellape's script earlier as in the construction set would not allow me to save the script.


I'm so sorry for the confusion!

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Thank you for this.


I think... I really do not know, my problem is the other way round. Um, oblivion using OBSE works for me. The TES Construction Set is not using OBSE.


I could not compile Pellape's script earlier as in the construction set would not allow me to save the script.


I'm so sorry for the confusion!

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I used to use a batch file, I'm not sure what it said but it worked and then when my computer glitched and everything went wrong 3 ish weeks back and I re downloaded reinstalled everything I couldn't find this instructions but instead found a CSE mod on nexusmods and have been using that. It's not been working though.


Today I did try as use said above adding the -editor key with and without a space but that didn't help and I could not understand why I was using OBSE loader when that loads the game. I understand now I had the problem back to front.


Will to be honest I'm now desperately searching the house for my oblivion disk... I completely wiped that folder this morning with the plan instead of installing oblivion tes construction set and xOBSE but guess who cannot find his disk.

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When you unistall before doing a re-install it's a good idea to run a registry cleaner like CCleaner especially if you are not going to use the same folder paths as previous installations. No uninstall utility that came with a program I have ever used cleaned up it's own registry entries.


- Edit - Construction Set Extender (CSE) does have a longer list of requirements than the vanilla CS (Visual C++ runtime libraries and such) ... in addition it requires a working OBSE so I would confirm that firsts.


Start the game and make a save. Exit the game and look in your Users\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves folder. If OBSE is working you should see two save files each time you save with the same base name and different file extensions (e.g. MySave09.ess and MySave09.obse). If you only see a single save file each time you save then OBSE is not working.

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Bethesda's keys for the registry also ends up in different places, depending on which windows version you are running. By the way, it must be possible to change the Steam start with editing some ini files?? It cannot be hardcoded into the game and CS right???


By the way, I do have a smart way to start CS and the game if you use use ENB and CSE. I did put those 2 bat files in my shortcuts at the task bar. :wink: I also explain what a bat file is a few messages later as well . I did send that message to the CSE dev, both as a big report and in his forum as he screw the players game up, which my bat files solve.

Edited by Pellape
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Another thought I have to solve this is: Honestly, get the GOTY or GOG version, either legally or not. You own Oblivion after all and the Steam version only seems like a pain in the rear... It includes everything and is the latest version.

Edited by Pellape
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Hi Pellape and Striker897.


Thank you both so much!


I'm now running oblivion off of the disk (bah! Cause I got to keep the disk in the machine to play...) but Oblivion likes OBSE and the TES CS likes OBSE... well it does now I created a batch file... I did this, hope its ok?


@echo off

cd .\

obse_loader.exe -editor -notimeout

@echo on


You no what mistake I made though? I saved my mods.... but forgot to save my game file... so I am back to lvl 1 in the dungeons.... lol

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I have backups of my guy's saves going all the way back to game start (and the guy before him, and the guy before him). I have a 1TB Data drive for backups and downloads etc ... additional storage space is a great investment to have.


I'm a disk guy too. If I ever go digital download it will be the Good Old Games (GOG) version. I hardly ever get any "service calls" from GOG users for stuff like getting OBSE to work etc. Can't say that about the Steam crowd though.

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