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TES:Construction Set isn't working after installing OBSE v0021


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Yes I read a post about Save Hygiene in that you should always make a fresh save and should exit to main menu before loading from a save... I have never done this... I've also only kept two saves never all of them.... I am thinking I need to change this...


Have never tried steam never had the need to...

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I probably go too far in the opposite direction in regard to saves (would you believe that my current guy ... played since Apr 11 2014 ... is now up to save number 40234 with 5624 hours playing time).


In my defence for how many saves I have I do have some options turned on in a couple of my mods that increases the chances of a CTD under certain circumstances, so I'm not shy about making saves.

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I use google drive and sync it for save files. :wink:


And I also put my WIP there...


You do not happen to use OneDrive? Maybe your saves are there?

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Hi Pellape, I have a onedrive I don't know if it's setup or not, don't know that I've ever used it.


What is WIP? am guessing work in progress? At the beginning of this thread, you suggested i write one...


Oh wow I just. Checked out your WIP Hobbit hole. Um. Wow! I'd love mine too have colours like that! I would not know where to start! Hopefully if I can create the last script that's needed my mod should be functional. I'm going to have to give thanks to a good few people, nothing had been directly copied but without there workings if never have got this far.

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Yes. Work in progress. :smile:


Yes, I finally have a home I like to 100% which have never happen before. I do like the home in Legacy of the Dragonborn (Skyrim), but only to 96,4% :wink: It lags so damn much...


Do check if you have it setup by mistake or just enjoy a new game. Maybe it gets a bit better then the last one was. I do post the following none sense at Reddit time to time and try it out.


Quoting myself:


I do suggest you install MOO, WACand also Ultimate leveling as the leveling system do suck and you need to micro/macro it from the console. Leveling is better in both Morrowind and in Skyrim really. Why? They do add some of the minor skills to the level, Oblivion does not as it only includes the major and that sux.

If you want a simple leveling system that are ready to play as it is, without editing an ini file, use Realistic Leveling and also install all fixes, ENBoost and Enginebugfixes and all unofficial bug fixes.

These faces are very nice as well

Each of those pages have a description that tells you how to install them. You do run your game on PC as it might work on some console's and not at some. I do not know anything about console's anyway?? I did bought a PS1 when they came out ages ago... ;)

I use Wrye Bash since 16 years back now for managing and installing my mods and patch them so they work nice together and for none OMODs and OBMM for Omods.

Wrye Bash will put a folder next to your Oblivion folder, where you DL your files too if you install Wrye Bash that is called

Oblivion Mods\Bash Installers

I use LOOT for getting the mods in right order and it also tells you if the mods need cleaning and you clean them with TES4EditQuickAutoClean.exe that comes with TES4Edit

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