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The New and "Improved" Compass


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From this interview at E3...




Todd Howard, on Oblivion's new quest system...


You can select any quest, and for the most part, it will highlight on the map exactly where you need to go to accomplish the next step. This mark is also noted on your compass. Some quests have hidden goals, such as "find the secret cave," and that would not be marked. So we only mark things we want you to know about. For instance, someone gives you a quest to go to the fighter's guild. The guild is instantly marked on your compass and the map as your quest target, so you can just walk to it without checking over any directions or maps. For the most part, you can follow quests by just following your compass.


Well I'm not a fan of this, to put it mildly. It sounds even worse than I was expecting when they first started talking about the new guided quest system. When I read things like this I just can't help but think, "Fable."

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Personally I don't really care. I can make do without guided quests, but it's also useful to be guided sometimes. Personally I like not having to tear my hair out trying to find a place (if it's difficult), or having to minimise the game to dig up a strategy guide. I don't really see the problem, it's not like they're gunna have a little dog in the corner asking if you want help with understanding the obvious. :D


Anyway, there's still gunna be "hidden" quests by the sounds of it.

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Ok, here is a question (its about quests, so I figured this is the right place to ask). Is the main quest going to be like Morrowind? Like you have the choice to do it or you have the choice to do whatever. And will you be able to do other stuffs after beating the main quest? Because I really like that you cant actually 'beat' Morrowind.
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Honestly, why all the whining about it? If you've already been to the fighter's guild in a city, you're going to have a general idea of what direction it's in. It's called having a sense of direction, who gets out a map and directions every time they want to go somewhere in reality? All the compass is doing is adding that to the game, since it's harder to do it in a game world.


You're still going to have quests where you have to find something the hard way. If your character doesn't know where something is, you're not going to have it marked on the compass. All it's going to do is save you some irritation of constantly looking at maps to find something.

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Honestly, why all the whining about it? If you've already been to the fighter's guild in a city, you're going to have a general idea of what direction it's in. It's called having a sense of direction, who gets out a map and directions every time they want to go somewhere in reality? All the compass is doing is adding that to the game, since it's harder to do it in a game world.


You're still going to have quests where you have to find something the hard way.  If your character doesn't know where something is, you're not going to have it marked on the compass. All it's going to do is save you some irritation of constantly looking at maps to find something.



Just don't care for the feel of it, at least if it's like other games that have used similar methods. For example, the first time I played Morrowind, I just don't think it would have felt as cool if when I first arrived in Seyda Neen, there had been an arrow pointing to Fargoth indicating he had a quest for me [find my ring]. Or if when I first arrived in Balmora an icon was blinking over the Corner Club, and then over Caius' house. I mean, that's a pretty basic example, but it sort of illustrates what I'm talking about. I liked that I had to ask an NPC to tell me where the Corner Club was. Tell me where something is and I'll go find it, no need to make a magical icon blinking on my screen saying "IT'S OVER THERE!--->" And I don't like every NPC with a quest to have a special disignation either. When I walk into a town I don't want NPCs with quests to be designated, I'd rather ask around. You know, get the 'latest rumors' etc. As pointless as that option turned out to be 99% of the time in Morrowind, it at least gave the impression that I was doing some investigating, which adds to the role-playing experience in my opinion. And that's basically what it comes down to, investigating and exploring, two of the most important aspects of RPGs.


And I'm not saying that a guided compass will ruin those aspects, but, well, it sorta sounds like it might. Mainly what bothers me is this: "For the most part, you can follow quests by just following your compass." To me, that takes away from the role-playing atmosphere. Sure it's tedious sometimes but I like having to ask around and look at maps and occasionally even get lost sometimes to complete a quest. It sounds more fun to me than blindly following a compass. But that's just a difference of opinion I suppose.


And I wasn't whining, as you so tactfully put it. I just thought I'd share it with the forum since it seems like a topic that many here might find relevant (considering there was a 3-4 page long discussion on these same boards about the addition of 'fast travel'), and stating my opinion that it sounds pretty cheesy and reminds me somewhat of Fable's questing system, which I think most everyone would agree was awful but for many more reasons than the one discussed here. But since you asked, that's what I find distasteful about the new compass. I'm not saying it's something that will completely ruin the game for me or anything, but, as Atti, I do hope that it can be disabled.

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Hmm, I see your point there. But I don't think they were saying that the NPCs themselves will be indicated if they haven't already given you a quest, were they? They certainly won't have giant green exclamation marks above their heads. :P


From my understanding there's no indication of where to go until you actually get a quest. I'm imagining something like Guild Wars, where you click the quest and an indicator will flash up on the compass/minimap.

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No, there isn't anything in that article stating that quest NPCs will be indicated, but I do remember something from an earlier interview that suggested it. At least I think I do. Either way, that was a long time ago and even if I did read it, it's been long enough that they may have scrapped the idea. But I'm still bothered by the comment that you can "follow quests just by following your compass."
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Mmm. Im not a fan of this idea either, it sounds a bit to easy, and the game will feel more "consolish" with this uber-compass, although I can live with it :)
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