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How old are we?


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Well, I'll just say that I learned to program on a KIM-1 SBC, in hex machine code. It stored programs on a Kansas City audio interface cassette tape. I still have that KIM-1; it has one kilobyte of static ram, requiring eight chips. The first complete program I typed in on the keypad was a manually translated 6502 (the CPU) assembly listing from BYTE magazine; Lunar Lander. A game. I wonder what I'd be doing right now if I had typed in that Bubble Sort algorithm instead.

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It makes me giggle that I know about a number of the old stuff that's being mentioned and stuff, but that's mainly because my dad's somewhat into computers, not as much as he used to, and he never really "grew" with the technology. Up until about eight years ago when I started to really use a computer and the internet, he was still using an old Win 98 machine. I don't recall the specs on it, but a cheap Win XP machine in mid 2007 was a huge upgrade from it, to give you a little idea.

As of right now, my laptop (Customized Sager NP9170) is the only computer in the house that is even remotely powerful. The other three machines can barely chug along to browse the internet (Yahoo, weather sites, etc). I think that might say a bit about the computer usage in this house? :tongue:


I remember years ago sitting in bed, playing Sonic or some other game on a Sega Genesis. That was pretty interesting, having the cartridges and 2D graphics and simple gameplay. And then after we moved, my grandparents got me a GameBoy Advance, and that was a lot like a handheld Genesis to me, and whaddya know!, the Sonic game I got for that was a lot like the classics. And then a few years later even, my brother... hmm, I think he got a PS2, so he gave me his PS1. That got me going on the original Spyro games. And I remember being annoyed that the newer Sonic games were on PS1; no, those were on some Sega that I didn't have, and the other ones were on other consoles. And then one Saturday morning I was watching cartoons, I saw a commercial for Shadow The Hedgehog, and I just haaaad to have it, so I got a PS2 for Christmas the year before the PS3 came out. Go figure. xD


The PS3 was a good jump for me. It was far more complex than everything else I'd had, but I learned my way around it pretty well. Still learning a little with it even now (mainly audio), but it's still quite less complex than PC gaming. It was a good medium for me to go to before jumping to PC gaming. I still remember years ago when we got a laptop (which we still have, but its motherboard seems to be dying) and I got Spore, and being so annoyed by the game being "slow" and whatnot. That was greatly annoying, but that was another good thing for me to learn, that just because a computer SEEMS good doesn't mean it is.


Ah, I seem to have rambled a little. :tongue:



EDIT: Also, floppy discs are the devil for the noises they would make when being used.

Edited by ShenziSixaxis
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45 here. My first computer experience was in high school programming a TRS-80 (model 4, the sweet one!). First experience in gaming was many years later starting with Final Fantasy 2 (US version) on the good ol' SNES. I bought my first computer in 2001, and Compaq running *gag* Windows ME. I built my own within three months and haven't looked back. The first PC game I really got into was Might & Magic VI.

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I'm 66. My first computer was the Apple II in 1978. It had 16K of RAM, a 1 MHz CPU and stored data on a cassette tape. I remember how excited I was when 5.25" floppy drives came out, at $400 each! My first RPG was Akalabeth. What a long, strange trip it's been.

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