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How old are we?


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I have always assumed I am one of the older players of Skyrim who use the Nexus. I am 55, but recently I read a post from someone in their 70's.

I would be interested to know if there are many older players.


I bought my first computer in 1982, a Commodore VIC 20, and still remember the excitement of expanding the RAM by 16k! The first RPG I had was a text only Lord of the Rings game.

Sometimes I just wander around Skyrim marvelling at how far we have come! :thumbsup:


Edit. 19:57 15th Jan.


Thanks for all the responses. It's been really interesting hearing about your first encounters with computers. Before I bought the Commodore I used to use my mates' BBC computer, remember those? What a joy it was to get a 5.25" floppy drive and not have to listen for hours to the interminable screeching of the cassette player failing to load a game!


Oldest poster so far (who has given age) is 66. Do I hear any advance on 66 Ladies and Gentlemen?

Edited by Skyrabbit
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I'll be 62 in February and my first computer was a Commodore 64, first pc game was Elite. I have two other older close friends here that are older than I... but I'll let them out themselves.

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61, my first computer had a wood fired OS. First Elderscrolls was Daggerfall. Its full install was something like 400MB. I had a 250MB hard drive. Awkward. You could take a 14 hour walk in Daggerfalls hinterland and finally run into a cabin with a static figure inside that said "hello".The priestesses in the Temple of Diabella knew nothing of Dream Girl or UNP.

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Be 59 shortly, 1st PC was a AST 286 12mhz back in early 1988, 2500 dollars, I filled out the mother board with memory chips and installed 2 full size expanded memory cards filled with memory chips and got the thing to top out at 4 megs of memory, 20 meg and 10 meg hard drives ..hot system :wink:


My first game was 688 Attack Sub

Edited by Sirropoo
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....... I'm only 22... My first computer was windows 95 OS and I played galaga on it.... I'm goddam young apparently... I guess I should feel blessed be young at this age of gaming Edited by Indigoblade
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I'm 44 .

First game on an old 486/DX/66 running MS-Dos ... Ultima Underworld I & II .

That was one of the 1st first-person(subjective) RPG's ... made me addicted ;-)



Edited by Remcoz
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I'm 19, my first computer that was my own was my dad's old custom-built PC with Windows 2000 on it (otherwise I'd borrow my dad's or mom's computer). The first game I played was SimAnt when I was in preschool (3 or 4 years old), I was scared of the close-ups of the spider eating the ant. I also remember using Windows 95 at some point, and I remember when Google was a new search engine.

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