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Access Full Resource list at Outpost


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Very simply: one single item(console computer whatever a "central hub"), that could access all the resources you have stored at your outpost, and you could then take them. I am so tired of looking through resource containers just find what I need. How Bethesda didn't put this in the game is mindbogling.

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I am shocked that this still hasn't been implemented in the base game and there aren't any mods that I can find for it. At least if they gave us filterable storage containers and signs so we could sort items that would be nice, but not being able to see all of the resources at an outpost seems like a major outpost oversight.

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6 hours ago, teamus said:

I am shocked that this still hasn't been implemented in the base game and there aren't any mods that I can find for it. At least if they gave us filterable storage containers and signs so we could sort items that would be nice, but not being able to see all of the resources at an outpost seems like a major outpost oversight.

I don't think beth spent a lot of development time on outposts..... In vanilla, they are very basic.... not even as good as they were in FO4.

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