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Alternative Satellite World Maps - author deletes bug reports


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Since I am not willing to let this behaviour slide, I am using this last option to make an entry that the modder xxsaisei is not able to simply delete because he doesn't like it.

I have simply mentioned that the mod Alternative Satellite World Maps https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/71935 features wrongly aligned maps that look nice, but are unusable as actual maps in the pipboy, because they are stretched and squished compared to the icons of locations and player character position. The issue is more pronounced the further you go East and South and the higher the resolution it is you choose from the downloadable files, but it is noticable everywhere. You can find example comparisons where I took the 2048x2048 preview of the file Luxor's Summer Alternative Satellite World Maps 8K and superimposed it onto the 2048x2048 .dds file from Improved Map with Visible Roads (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/1215). I gave 4 examples where you clearly see that the Alternative Satellite World Maps map is significantly wrong in terms of alignment. I also provided screenshots from a specific location, showing me in 3 different spots on the map depending on whether I used a 8K map, a 4K map, of the map from Improved Map with Visible Roads, the latter being by far the most accurate.

Unfortunately, after I provided my examples, the author decided to delete the entire comment path which included my evidence. I then filed a bug report as a general PSA to other ppl, including the same screenshots, but the author also deleted that one, so I am stuck with this forum, hoping that in the future, people interested in this mod know what to expect - from the mod and especially from its uncooperative author. It saddens me that this is how criticism is being handled by some people who delivered a subpar piece of work. I suspect it is the result of the author not having anything installed at the moment and not planning on updating the maps, but this is not how you handle things. Thank you for your patience, and thank you to all the mod authors out there for the great mods they are providing for free.

Sanctuary - misaligned to the North East, the bridge is 10 meters away from it's actual position on the map (see the highlighted road)


Most other locations are misaligned towards the South or South West instead -

Nahant Peninsula


Spectacle Island


Boston East Coast including the Castle


Bonus content: standing in the same location, using the above mentioned 8K map, the normal 4K map from the same mod, and the comparison map from Improved Map with Visible Roads:

My location, in front of the corner of the building to the South:


Improved Map with Visible Roads



4K Map from Alternative Satellite World Maps



8K map (Luxor Summer version but the same applies to the standard 8K map) from Alternative Satellite World Maps

Edited by Qbix0mat2
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Well, I can see in the comments that the author acknowledges that certain things can cause the map to be out of alignment. 21:9 rather than 4:3 without the appropriate patches, using the "angled buildings" version. And they also state that even with the base version the alignment is as close as they could get to it with the tools they had.


So, maybe your "detailed analysis" was simply unwelcome.

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I am not a fan of participation trophies, if you make a map, no matter how detailed, it should at least be correct, because that's the reason people use the map for in the first place. I originally gave the author the benefit of the doubt and asked if the icons themselves might have shifted due to the mod or another mod, but that was denied obviously since the mod only changes the texture underneath. Which logically results in the map being wrong and therefore useless. I even asked for base files and how the map was being made in first place, so I might perhaps do it myself, but to no avail, all I got was deletion. Since this is not the only map mod out there with sattelite-like imagery, I found it important to have it at least mentioned, if the author doesn't wanna fix it. My bad, I guess.

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You do you, but keep in mind that there is a reason why mod authors are given autonomy to moderate their own mod pages. Going to another forum to tell everyone how right you are is bad manners.


To be clear, if someone uses this mod and finds out that they don't like it...there's no harm done. They can swap it out for one they prefer. You're not saving anyone from anything.

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