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Waiting at Sanzio Sazio's new combination workshop and shop, was a surprise. Jasmine Ashworth herself was there, the daughter of the AWOL Professor James Ashworth, but she was not alone. With her were five young adults, a neobaby, two old style tron robots and a basic appearing vaultdroid android. Vaultdroids, be they women or men or even children based, were obviously not human for they had smooth plasticy, lemon yellow features.


Danzie was surprised that the quite attractive young woman, Jasmine, had not escaped yet. There was a focus of steel in those eyes as she looked hard at Danzie.


But it was Sanzio, a younger version of Suzanne Sazio, who was bustling around gathering up bits of gear and supplies to place them on a big wide table, who spoke. "I support the cause but I could use some EIDs."


Danzie nodded. "I was due to get some through special channels for this mission but those channels may be compromised now. There is a faction war of some kind taking place inside Vaultgov."


Sanzio frowned at him. "The faction war is going on through out the vault, even far as the Caves, the Undervault and here in the Rimzone. A new player is in the vault and some say that he is an outsider, an intruder, and that he calls himself the PuppetMaster. Not a very original name. The traditional power factions have failed badly to deal with this new threat. There is a big semiactive death list of over a couple of thousand people who this PuppetMaster wants killed but so far only a few have died. You are on the list, Danz007, but your name is not active yet."


He took out his wallet and lightly threw a EID-card onto the table. "$100 to start with. I have some stuff stashed away in various unofficial places. Are you lot supporters of the rebels?"


Sanzio smiled. "Do you really think I am going to answer that question?"


Danzie shrugged. "The gear you have on display in this room, on the walls and in the cases, tends to be the sort of stuff that the rebels prefer because it is not so dependent on centralised technologies for support. Still, runners could take the same stuff. None of my missions have been directed at rebels, at least not that I know of."


Jasmine spoke out then. "You killed one Supervisor Hasluck who was a friend of mine. He was a supporter of the freedom movement."


Danz007 turned to her. "Supervisor Arnold Haluck of the Ministry of the People, Department of Hydroponics Agriculture?"


She nodded and he gave her an ironic look. "Hasluck was a monster. His supposed support for the rebel movement was a cover for his real activities. He ran illegal bloodgames between humans, robots, androids, animanoids and animals. He was also linked with vault organised crime, with the Vaultviva. He was linked with the deaths of five undercover cops and eighteen others but nobody could prove anything. So they sent me. I broke him, questioned him, went through his secret datafiles and learned he was a worse monster than even Vaultgov or Vaultviva knew. I killed him."


Jasmine went to say something but then the Sister Compassionate spoke. "Danzie is right but what Danzie did not learn, probably, was that he was linked to the PuppetMaster for the entity that calls himself the PuppetMaster is not human but a FEV-mutagenic mutant of a monstrous kind who has the ability to twist the mind of fools so they become his monstrous servants. Remember, Jasmine, your friend withdrew from you and others in the year or so before his death. He changed, became colder, became darker and less comfortable to be with. The PuppetMaster granted him abilities to influence the minds of the weak willed, the truly corrupt, the blindly aggressive but you Danzie must have been a shock to him. Your mind is beyond such as he became, to penetrate. Like Jasmine, you have a special nature to you. You are both psykers, that is gifted by the FEV-inheritence with intensive psychic abilities."


Jasmine snorted. "I am not like him!"


The chubby muscular baby like neobaby wriggled in her pouch against Jasmine's chest and sucked her thumb but then she withdrew her thumb and made an odd, short sharp noise of discord. At that very moment Jasmine, Danzie and other there began to sense the approach of danger.



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Tales of the Twisted  -The Twisted Revenge

(Part 2)

(Original Title:Chronicles of the Twisted part 3 )

Written for an adventurous band who played together AD&D in the Forgotten Realms

Re-written for the Nexus July 2010

He stood there for a long time until the dwarf emerged. Finally! He thought to himself. He prepared his mind to the spell he was about to cast then held up his holy symbol and whispered the incarnation of the spell.


Right on time the dwarf reached the middle of the now deserted marketplace. From three different locations in the sky, lightnings flashed through the night, to convert on the spot where the dwarf was.


He could see, after his eyes readjusted to the night that the spot where the lightning had struck had blackened and the dwarf seamed to be a little smoke rising slightly from the dwarf still standing in the middle of the marketplace.


The to his horror, the dwarf turned his head to the mountains in the opposite direction of his vantage point and bellowed loud into the night, "Huh! Bad weather?" then turned to his original way and moved along to the next inn.  


He then heard a chuckle behind him and tried to move around but couldn't. Like a statue he was standing an couldn't move. Then the chuckle did stop and a clam male voice emerged from within it. "Sometimes the poesy of the gods is peace and justice."  


After a short silence the voice added.  


"Remember that priest of destruction. I'd admit you where to fast in casting that spell and that you violated my temple and my goddess. I know that my spell won't hold you long. Now what will  I do with you? Oh, I'll tell you. First I'm getting the sheriff, if you are still here  He will gag and bind you and then the mayor will decide what to do with you. If you manage to break that spell of mine in time to run then you should know that I'm going, either way, to have a little chat with your magnificent friend who can withstand three lighting strikes of the heavens and still walk Fearûn. Should you be gone, if I'm coming back with the sheriff, I advice you to run far away as you can for I intend to send message of your doings and a good description of you to every town and village which is in a ten days ride from here. For peace sake now I'm going to get the sheriff."  


He heard the roof door slam and then the turning of the key in the look of the door. Now he was in panic. He was there frozen and the only way to escape was looked. 'First the spell than the lock.' He tried to calm himself. 'Think! To break a hold spell it needs time or another spell. He then could see   a bear of a man in a priest robe emerge from the temple and run to the direction where the house of the sheriff was. The Hold spell was slowly going to fade he could already move his eyebrows. Within a minute he was free and thought about killing the priest and the sheriff, but decided against it.  


 As the spell ended he came into motion. His only option was to get as fast of town as possible. There was only one mage spell he had that could save him and he hatted it for the spell component. So searched his bag of components at his girdle for the little vial containing a living spider. In no time he had found it, and made the incarnation and opened the vial and shallowed the hole spider. He wasn't sorry about to loosing this particular spell.


Next he got to the side wall of the temple roof and started to place his fingers on the wall and stared climbing down. As soon as he was on the the solid ground again he started running to the stables, where he found a boy sleeping on a bag. He cut the throat of the stable boy and saddled a brown horse he found trustworthy, then he took the reigns of the horse and  took an oil filled lamp and throwed the lamp onto a  pile of hay which started slowly to burn. As he mounted the horse he drew on last glance back at the stables. The fire would hold off pursuer long enough to make it to one of the towns near by where he could hide and learn the name of the dwarf. Then next he was off into the night riding as fast as he could with thoughts about revenge on the dwarf and how he could pay him back for today.


In the many years that came after this day the mage/priest of destruction and the dwarf had more than one meeting with one another. Neither could manage to turn their battles to full victory over the other.


  Dedicated to one of the best played dwarfs  I had the chance to play aside with.


   - End of Part 2 of 2 -


And  I apologise to let  you waiting for it.


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Very excellent, SilverDNA. Enjoyed reading the completion of your story.



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SilverDNA, you are welcome.


Thank you for the feedback, Species5478. Any writer can use positive feedback.


Just spent a short stint in hospital but I will soon, hopefully, be at full writing strength again as I continue to write in forums and the background structure to my novel.









The armed, body-armoured thugs were expendable fools paid off partly with drugs. They were armed with cheap but reliable snubguns firing old style 5.5mm cased bullets, cheaper and easier to make than were the newer caseless bullets. Three men and two women with cheap guady electric tatoos wore normal blue or pink or grey jumpsuits beneath their reconstructed kevlar body-armour. They each held a snubgun, like a compact ugly assault-rifle, which they were. They came along a big utility tunnel part cut off by crossing pipes and armoured utility boxes fused to one side in an almost tidy cluster pattern.


Danzie had no desire to kill even these murderous scum who were the kind to try to survive a destructive, self-destructive drug sharpened existence in a totally selfish manner. Such were only too common in the madness of the Deep Rimzone where too many unwanted children ended up living short violent lives, dying as young adults. He aimed his xdartpistol and considered giving warning. That is until he looked into the eyes of the murderers and realised suddenly, with a surprise, that these were not what they seemed to be.


Any real humanity was gone and something terrible and alien, but also pathetic, animated the bodies in what was an unnatural fashion. The inner-other voice spoke to him for the first time in a long time.


Danz000: "If you kill them you kill only animacorpses within which are quasiliving brain and chest nodules linked by webworks that spread out through the bodies. Destroy either nodules or seperate them for instant death or just damage the quasiliving nodule-webwork enough and the animacorpses die."


Crouched behind a low, quite wide gurgling pipe of steel, he fired the xdartpistol expertly, A first trio of xdarts to the head took down the first enemy, a man, who shuddered and whipped around in a manner even crazy for brain death. He flew back and brought down a animated woman corpse with him. Jasmine fired her own weapon, a snubgun SG5A1 of a kind almost identical to the SG5A3s that the animated dead were using. Her bullets ripped into the guts of another man who fired back in a way that a normal human could not have done but Jasmine was already diving out of the way.


Which was when one of Jasmine's friends, one Aja Tobins, slipped a compact 12g-doubleshotter (special short double barrelled shotgun) out of a shoulderbag and aimed to shoot Danzie in the back. The Sister Compassionate slipped up behind him with amazing smoothness, agility and speed to thrust a knife into him. He died very quickly but did he really die then and there? At about the same time three fighters came up behind the bizarre attackers and blasted them down with snubguns of their own.


Snubguns were a favourite weapon of gangers, rebels, so called LowOps agents and other people operating away from the main vault.


The fighters came to a halt and they looked to the Sister Compassionate who pointed to the dead and nodded. The newcomers began to quickly and efficiently loot the dead attackers of anything useful such as the snubguns, ammo, sealed up foodbars, vaultcoins, cigs of varied kinds, gumtabs, sealed sippaks of trusty water and more.


"Orderhood of Protection." The Sister Compassionate Rhonda Rhodes explained. "They, like our own Orderhood, actually come from outside of TekVault101. Above the TekVaults are the DC Wastelands of the Centralis Dominion, the great quasinatural island that is eastwards of the old Washington DC and Delaware areas of the former USA."


The old Washington DC, indeed the whole of the District of Columbia, had been destroyed during World War Three that had not destroyed humanity only because of the UEIATC, or Unilateral Extraterrestial Intervention Aid and Trade Compact. Unidentified aliens had come to the world, had stopped most of the nuclear weapons before they could strike, had taken over the world briefly, had given an odd array of varied amounts of aid and had done some trade. The mysterious aliens had taken a good deal but had given a good deal. Yet much of that history, at least the details of it, was lost in a way that seemed at times to be deliberate.


Rhodes went on speaking. "Our people do not come from the actual surface but from part of the Centralis Dominion Subway Network, or CDSN. We are the Subway Unionate. We exist below the surface and above TekVaults and other such facilities. We are not here by accident but are hunting the one called the PuppetMaster. He and his followers, his creatures, his poor short term puppets, raided and attacked a smaller, Subwayer outpost settlement and brutally destroyed it. He was simply passing through and with no hesitation attacked in order to steal what resources that he could. There are only a few of us here but we have successfully recruited some locals. We are seeking the source of the PuppetMaster and the bizarre biotechnologies that he uses to create his monsters and poor suffering puppets."


Danz007 spoke automatically. "TekVault100 is where you will find both."



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The Starlordling provided them with only a small amount of important information but that was of a surprising nature. Professor Greening was a StarLord but he had gone rogue and had joined forces with the TimeMaster. Together they had created the unstable transdimensional chambers beneath Professor Greening's London property and had begun a large research and development program. The StarLordling, a StarLord apprentice in a system where failing meant almost certain death, was understandably not happy about being caught. The StarLords would never quite believe in her innocence and even if she got back to her people, there was a good chance her superiors would have her killed simply because she was held prisoner by a TimeLord. So she asked for diplomatic asylum and was put into a very secure suspension chamber.


Professor Cosmos and his daughters stripped the now stable chambers of any knowledge or devices too dangerous for the British Empire to have and then the Brigadier became a hero who supposedly discovered the amazing treasure of machines, blueprints, manuals and other wonders. Soon scientists, engineers, technicians and others were swarming over the machines. Then the first hybrid-electric battlecrawlers were moving out with their multiple cannon and machinegun turrets. New body-armour was being fitted and new types of automatic weapons were being passed to elite soldiers. While much was kept behind for study, much was put into the desperate fight for London.


Tinacos, in disguise, bought a large eccentric building that was part small urban mansion, part warehouse and part observatory with large semiwilderness gardens. The TARDIS was materialized in the warehouse and the previous occupants were invited to stay. That was some cats, some streetwise orphans and a young 'mad' woman. Given some decent food and drink, clothes, sleeping places, medicines and having other needs met, changed all of them as did the influence of the four from Gallefrey.


There were plenty of poor stragglers and other victims of the troubles struggling to survive in London. Soon word got out and they were arriving each day to get a soup, some stew made up mainly of lightly cooked vegetables, some hot tea and some useful items for survival. Advanced healing serums were hidden in the food and drink.


The muffled noises of battle drifted towards the eccentric urban estate. A big military airship came drifting overhead that bristled with weapons designed to attack anything down on the ground level. The triplets staid in or close to the TARDIS while Professor Cosmos once more went searching for answers and this time for the TimeMaster and-or Professor Greening. This time he took some special assistance with him in the form of K9a1, a cyborg-clone dog that was amazingly well disguised as a Bloodhound. One could X-ray or ultrasound scan him and not gain the truth.


It was not long after that Professor Cosmos was to meet the amazing Sherlock Holmes and his woman assistant, the forensics Doctor Emily Watson.



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Professor Cosmos pelted along the street as the rain fell heavy and cold from the sky. K9a1, who appeared just like a real Bloodhound, raced ahead of him even as it thundered heavy overhead. It was real thunder for the fighting had ceased except for underground in the tunnels and other spaces down there. Cosmos had been led to a small, obscure museum of London architectural history and there he had found a pompous middle aged man willing to show off his records and to take some food and drink in exchange. While the human had sipped his mug of tea, Professor Cosmos had learned some very odd history about that great city.


In the mid 1700s something small but dreadfully hot had fallen from the sky. It had caused two buildings to burn down and damage to other structures. Yet when the object was finally found it was icy cold. It was an alien object, so black as almost to be impossibly non reflective, and shaped something like a chicken's egg of large size for any hen to lay. Which was when the pompous little man had to admit that while one of his ancestors had held the alien egg for some decades, that it had been stolen by strangers in the late 1970s. With a grin the Londoner had given the Professor a metal box in which the 'black eggy thing' had been held. Amazingly enough the iron box was still cold after over a century being away from the bizarre influence of the alien artefact.


For a small bundle of pound notes, Professor Cosmos bought the iron box and as soon as he could, teleported it back to the CosmosTARDIS.


The 'black eggy thing' was most likely a so called null-reality egg and if it was then Professor Cosmos knew why the TimeMaster had come to that Alternate Earth during that particular historical period. Yet there was more to it than such a straight forward explanation and again it had to do with the dinosaur people popping up in modern times when they should not have survived on-in that world to have done so. He needed more information.


He dived down into a rolling crouch even as two bullets exploded off the red brick wall. If he had not ducked, the bullets would have struck him. He whirled with amazing speed and agility, aimed his revolver-pistol and fired. The armed man shuddered and collapsed dead, dropping his rifle in the process. Professor Cosmos felt no remorse for killing the human for this was no longer truly a human. For covering the head and going down the back was some kind of dreadful quasireptilian lifeform that was heavy embedded in various ways into the brain and the spinal chord of the victim. The TimeLord examined the man even as the enslaver creature began to slowly shrivel up dead. The rifle was a basic automatic one with a revolver style magazine for twelve bullets. It fired the standard (7.7mm) .303 calibre of the British Empire. Yet the smooth way it was made, the odd light weight metallic materials and an odd sense about it told Cosmos that the gun had been manufactured by advanced means; also it lacked any signs of British or any form of human manufacture. It had a fold-down bayonet under the barrel and a built-in bottle opener.


Professor Cosmos sensed the man and woman sneaking towards him and did not bother to turn around but he did speak. "Aaahhh, the famous Private Detective Sherlock Holmes and his talented sidekick of a forensics specialist, Doctor Watson. I am Professor Cosmos. I was hoping to meet the two of you."


Sherlock Holmes coolly stopped with his Webley revolver-pistol pointed at the ground. "I am afraid that I have not heard of you and neither can I see the eyes in the back of your head that you could so easily identify us."


Professor Cosmos slowly stood up and turned around. "I am not normally the sort of man who wants to be known about and those I serve tend to have felt the same way. Are you seeking Professor Greening or the TimeMaster?"


The handsome, cool detective had a hawkish nose and he was generally dressed as a desperate survivor as was his companion. "I know of no TimeMaster unless you speak of one who has been called the Time Thief. There was a man who supposedly built a successful time-machine that travelled far into the future, returned and then departed in a hurry again but I do not suppose that this would be the Time Thief."


The young and attractive Doctor Watson then spoke. "Gentlemen, I suggest that we take the body, along with its monstrous parasitic rider, into some shelter out of the rain where I might take a good look at it. Bring the rifle as well and the bullets. We must hurry for the terrible creature is rotting before our eyes with unnatural speed."


Cosmos nodded. "That is done to try to conceal the secrets of such creatures. I suggest that partly open door over there might lead to somewhere both dry and useful."



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