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Zippy Zip-A-Long


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Helene was back on Giaga, had found herself close to the base of the great Startower of Principles rising high above her towards the heavens. She whirled to one side as an arrow thudded off the ancient structure and threw her knife. It thudded into the forehead of a dremora warrior who collapsed backwards to sprawl down on the slope, her body rolling downward a little. Dremora came racing towards her in their armour and one hurled a fireball at her from a magical longsword. Helene threw up a flat sphere of deflection magic and the fireball exploded harmlessly in front of her even as she absorbed much of its power for her own use. Sword in each hand she raced at the four last dremora and then blades were clashing, were flashing through the air. She gutted one, cut the throat of a second, whirled to stab the third in the back and then thrust a blade into the gut of the last.


Long ago dremora like these had destroyed the homeland of her people, had swarmed over it with out warning to butcher her people. Many of her people had escaped to come to Giaga using the Startowers to do so being three of them. Each Startower was now, in theory, controled by the Mageadom, the Giaga Republic or the Giaga Queendom. The port town had driven off the invaders, yes, but they had somehow moved the big metallic structure. It now was in sight on the shoreline in the distance, parts of it hidden from view by trees and rocks.


Mageadom soldiers moved in the distance in black-red armour. There were the sounds of fighting, of screaming, the zipping of needlers, the sizzling flash of fireballs and much else. Clannfears roared, scamps darted along and dremora charged on their horse like dremaza. She touched a dead dremora and it vanished along with some other items. This way she made all of the dremora she had killed, vanish, sending the bodies and other items to her special place.


Helene began to run even as she realised that the metallic shape was indeed some kind of gateway and that through it were pouring a whole army of lesser daedra. Around the base of the tower she went, hoping that no more invaders would spot her and none did. She was a refugee now and on the run. Helene set out for the nearest place of possible safety.



Edited by Maharg67
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But now Helene was also back in Sanctuahaven and was riding a dragon through the skies above the three greatest of the new dispensing machines. Each was very large a cube of metallic stone with a big alcove in which ordered items would materialize. All items that could be ordered would be of large size but many could and would contain many smaller items. Only the so called 'normal' of these was active. From the alcove emerged a brand new skyship, medium sized combination passenger-cargo carrier, already having duties awaiting for it in the form of a new circuit route between settlements.


Oomans were down there in the settlement of VashiquioDoWa that was in the form of a row of great step-pyramid temples of stone blocks long abandoned after Helene had massacred the TotemPriests that had ruled from there. But now people were stripping away the old totemic statues, the signs of cruel ooman sacrifices and were making the temples many hallway tunnels and elaborate chambers to be usefor for other reasons. One step-pyramid, the biggest one, was to be left as a museum, a reminder of ooman stupidity and savagery.


A fair sized population of dragons dwelt in Sanctuahaven now. Helene had allowed them a place inside the Sactuary Zone after they had helped her massacre the last of the fanatical murderous TotemaPriests and their savage TotemaWarriors in the last big battle in VashiquioDoWa. Yet the ones who had most brutally dealt with the priests and their elite warriors were the common oomans who had suffered so badly under their oppressive and bloody rule.


Riding safely between the ears of the great dragon was the neobaby thanks to the dragon's own magical forces projecting a bubble around her. Close to the neobaby was Helene, adopted mummy, and behind her were the triplets. But this was no joy ride though she had promised to show the triplets the amazing step-pyramids, their curiosity seemed endless, for her secret agents had found strong clues that the Mythic Dawn had been active in the city. They had been recruiting surviving descendents of the Totema who still hated Helene and blamed her as the destroyer of the TotemaEmpire as they conviently forgot that the people had done most of the overthrowing.


The neobaby made excited noises and the triplets gabbled to each other, helpfully pointing out things that in truth they could all see quite well.


They began to descend towards a large step-pyramid.



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Zippy Zip-A-Long...A tale of wonder


There exists one story of pleasure and wonder,

It's very words echo the might of thunder.

It's wise creator is a master with a pen,

He is a legend among our kin.


The story is bright, long, descriptive, and full,

Every page has the passion of the Spanish bull.

He adds another passage form day to day,

Each is as colorful and as warm as May.


The epic continues without the spark to die,

It lives on with creativity as tall as the sky.

The story is on display from New York to Hong Kong,

The author calls it the tale known as Zippy Zip-A-Long.


Dedicated to the fantastic writer of this story...

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Thank you very much, Keanumoreira. I am flattered and pleased because I put a lot of work into this topic. Yet in truth I am just doing what gives me much pleasure to do. I get far more from Zippy Zip-A-Long than I give to it.


Now I need to stop procrastinating and write my new novel but I will continue with Zippy Zip-A-Long with a series of more finely focused stories.


Again, all are welcome to contribute.

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I felt like you derserved it after all you've done for the garden. The truth is, we as writers aren't appreciated by those who are not, we only have each other to thank. It is very rare for a non writer to compliment a writers work because they don't understand how we feel when we do write. I admit that I overlook stories as well, but I'm still very young and impatient so this is normal, but at the same time I only expect a writer or someone with a good heart to read my work and really understand the meaning behind it. It isn't easy to create the works of art we concieve, and every artist no matter how large or small just wants a little appreciation from time to time and I've realized you've praised my work and I haven't returned the gesture, but now I feel as if I have payed you back a deep debt. Thank you.
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I felt like you derserved it after all you've done for the garden. The truth is, we as writers aren't appreciated by those who are not, we only have each other to thank. It is very rare for a non writer to compliment a writers work because they don't understand how we feel when we do write. I admit that I overlook stories as well, but I'm still very young and impatient so this is normal, but at the same time I only expect a writer or someone with a good heart to read my work and really understand the meaning behind it. It isn't easy to create the works of art we concieve, and every artist no matter how large or small just wants a little appreciation from time to time and I've realized you've praised my work and I haven't returned the gesture, but now I feel as if I have payed you back a deep debt. Thank you.


I agree wholeheartedly with K. I think in the case of you Maharg...there's something different about your presence. You've been an anchor that other writers and readers can rally their interests. Long before I posted my first word, you were in the garden planting seeds...and the fruits of your labor have ripened for all to enjoy. :blush:

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Thank you very much, Keanumoreira and Species5478. I think you took my breath away. I put my heart into what I love, writing, and if that inspires others to write, to take that effort and risk (it is a risk to put one's writing in public) that is a fantastic triple bonus. It is amazing that I get more support from people in this forum (a select few writers) than I do from people I know in my own city. Again, thank you and... I am lost for words which is hard for a writer to admit.


Anyway, keep on writing on!



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No prob...and if by risk, you mean plagiarism, I wouldn't worry. Even established authors get their work pirated. However, I never post stories for instance, that I haven't established a copyright for. It's my insurance policy.
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The boat moved steadily through the half drowned tunnel steered by two Undervaulters who seemingly knew the area well. Something dark and fast flashed through the waters and something bigger went after it but the locals did not appear to be worried. There were eight boats moving along the way with currents flowing against them. Small electric motors hummed. Danzie was in the first boat with Jasmine and a couple of Subwayers. Everybody was well armoured, armed and otherwise ready for trouble but most of them could not swim and they had no floatation devices to use. Water dripped onto them from the ceiling. There was the sound of radroaches scuttling through darkness but no visible sign of them. They passed a row of human skulls impaled to one wall that had been there a very long time. For the Undervaulters they were both warnings against tresspassers and navigational aids.


Once Jasmine went to put her hand in the water but an Undervaulter scowled at her and pulled it away. "That hand of yours looks too nice to waste on some big toothed mutant." He snorted in glee at his own stupid joke. "We fish lots of them things down there. We be experts, not you, but even our people vanish sometimes. Even our boats are found floating empty. Mirelurks come down here and something down here devours them also. Something big and nasty out there does not like you but a deal is a deal. You paid with much generosity. Our people have done fine by you."


The muffled sound of firing guns came from ahead. Snubguns and lasers also. There was the muffled sound of a scream and a splash of a body followed by silence.


The man looked grim for a moment and shook his head. "My son was a fine scout. He will be missed terribly. We will not go that way." Then he gave a signal.


Danzie stripped naked and dived into the water with amazing speed and agility followed in seconds by Jasmine. They took only combat knives. The Undervaulters stared after them in shock and the man shook his head grimly at this obvious stupidity. Seconds later something screamed out in terror and agony. The inhuman noise echoed through the tunnel. Then there was only silence. Jasmine and Danzie shot out of the water and slipped effortlessly into the boat. Towels were handed to them. Their expressions were both very quiet and kind of sad.


Danzie sighed and turned to the shocked man. "She is dead now, the poor twisted experimental mutation that killed your son along with so many others. Have compassion for her. Your people will be safer now as will be others who come this way."


"We will mourn for her." The man then went back to navigating their way through the sunken ways of the Undervault.



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