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HerculineAfa was Herculine as far as most people knew. She went to her house in the city, that thankfully were unharmed, and rested for a while. She also had a bath using a pump-tap tub while one of the maids, a clone, brought her heated water. The house and gardens were large with smaller out-buildings. Three families and others lived there including some who simply had gained safe shelter there because they were unwelcome in society. There were the half goblin Oogly Brothers who lived in a cave below the basement of the house. There was Dimphre the mage who tended to randomly turn into monstrous shapeforms though he was never truly dangerous unless he was defending himself. There were the strange albino Pale Sisters. There were others.


One, an old man much older than he seemed, sat on a chair while she bathed naked in the tub. He was werewolf and lycanthropes lived longer than normal humans as well as having enhanced physical abilities and senses. They tended to be on the wild side but this man was an exception, being quiet and gentle unless he had to be otherwise. One had to be able to deal with one's wilder side if one wanted to be a 'very old' lycanthrope.


HerculineAfa finished speaking. "I am a clone extension of Herculine proper."


Ondras nodded slowly and spoke. "Some of those lesser daedra got close to me, too close for their own good. It was we of the Lycanthrope Council of Kvatch who had the werewolves help defend the city, even the wilder ones who did it for their own sakes since daedra will kill or enslave werewolves as quickly as they will other humans. What will you do now?"


"Hunt down the Mythic Dawn here in Kvatch for it is certain that at least a few of them survived and went back into hiding amongst the common population. Try to learn more about the Mythic Fist military force that has appeared almost out of nowhere. Try to find out how they hid so well." She sighed. "Would you wash my back?"


He started to do as asked and spoke again. "There was a large new company of mercenaries forming and training just north west of here. They have been rather secretive and contraversial. They had yet to take on any commissions or contracts. Perhaps they have always been the Mythic Fist."


Hide out in the open! It made a good deal of sense.


Then she spoke of the odd lesser daedra. "Normally daedra can spend only a limited period of time outside of the Realms of Olbivion and they have the constant feel of Oblivionaedra about them but these other lesser daedra had no such feel. Perhaps these daedra are born and bred here in Tamriel, which is supposed to be impossible for in theory the daedra can only breed and be born in Oblivionaedra."


"Let us hope not for though these daedra would be weaker in some ways, they would also have the ability to remain here and to extend their population faster than daedra can do in the Realms of Oblivion thanks to the Ancient Daedric Curse." The old lycanthrope sounded concerned and there was good reason for him to do so. "I will use my contacts to gain what knowledge I can about the Mythic Dawn, the Mythic Fist and these new daedra."


She relaxed as he washed her hair.



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Herculine stood on the battlements of a great thick, sloping wall of Cloud Ruler Temple even as people came out of the Transmagical Transport and brought with them animals and things. Even as they came out of a 'wardrobe' in a fashion that looked quite astonishing, the large force of reinforcements were being directed to various tasks. As it was they had all been prepared for what they had to do. The local Blades were not taken by surprise because, with some difficulty, Herculine had managed to warn them of the coming arrival of the magical craft.


In the very far distance lay the proud walled city of Bruma. Even from that distance it looked very large, which it was. From the low mountain where the very old fortress was situated, she could see a beautiful landscape of foot hills, other small mountains and the city. It was dark and the moons were both clearly visible but neither were full. The two spiritual realms were also visible as spheres of energy.


Bladeguards patrolled the battlements and manned various magical and non-magical war-machines such as catipults, giant-crossbows and two trebuchets, devices that could hurl large projectiles a great distance even with out magic. There were also some Blademages were there, the Blade battlemages being ever ready to help defend Cloud Ruler Temple. One of the Bladeguard officers was using one of the new brass and glass made hand-telescopes to study the lights, the telescope being magically imbued with night vision capacity.


Herculine herself could sense danger hidden out in the landscape, could sense hidden eyes spying on the big fortress and yet not all those hidden observers were a threat.


Jaeffre stepped up beside her in his Bladeknight magical armour except that he wore no helmet. "What is out there, Herculine?"


She sighed. "Mythic Dawn followers, Bruma Guard scouts, Mythic Fist scouts, Undeath Guild followers, Necromancer Guild followers, Fighters Guild scouts, stealthy scout dragons, goblin tribal scouts, various mercenary scouts serving various causes and some observers I can not clearly identify. Many factions of Tamriel want to know what is going on with the Empire, with the threat of daedric invasion and the growing conflict with necromancy."


Jaeffre scowled. "Even the local Duchess sends people to spy on us."


Herculine responded. "The nobility are understandably concerned about what has taken place, is taking place."


"So are we Blades." Jaeffre lessened his scowl. "We need to track down some of those Mythic Dawn agents or anybody else that can give us answers. Martin is resting and after he wakes, bathes and otherwise is prepared by his hand-maidens, he will go through a formal greeting and acceptance ceremony as Emperor by the Blades Legion. We have looked into the criminal attack made against you by Blades in the Imperial City. Eighteen Blades have been taken into custody for questioning. Another three are on the run and are being sought for. Two have simply vanished. BladeAgents are tracking them with the assistance of others."


Herculine nodded and she almost felt sorry for the foolish Blades who had tried to take the Amulet of Kings from her; their near future would be grim even if they were found innocent in the longer term and she doubted any of them would remain as Blades.



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A king once walked upon a path of hard gold

thinking himself glorious

thinking his journey glorious

but a fool he was

for the gold was treacherous

while around him stretched a garden green

dirty but full of life

and one day the king slipped

ending his glory

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So you think you can dance?

Well I danced and danced on a great wooden stage but they did not understand.

For I staid perfectly still and explained that this was a motionless dance, a perfect dance.

No, they did not understand.

Perhaps I should have jumped up and down just a little?

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A gasp of breath

from a person assumed dead

like a symbol of hope

that not all things end badly!

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Thanks, Pagafyr, for the great feedback! :thumbsup: Edited by Maharg67
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It was no real surprise at all, the attempt to raid the museum and either take it over or just loot some items from it. Yes, it was linked to the Mayor but of course not directly. She would keep her agreement, sort of, and would have nothing directly to do with it. So who was also behind the raid. The Brotherhood of Steel wanted greater access to the museum and other possible tech secrets, of course, but they also did not want to be seen to be part of any illegal and perhaps bloody raid.


Ironsides Mercenaries came through old tunnels and in assault power armour. With them came MrGutsys and three special MrGutsy like MrDiggers built for mining and tunneling operations. They did not get far into the territory of the DanzEstate, as it was now being called. The EMP mines exploded, knocking out the power armour and the robots to drop both the mercenaries and the floating robots on the spot. Before the mercs could get out of their now useless power armour, they were captured by Danzie, Justine and some of the fast, dangerous biovires armed with guns.


Danzie and Justine fronted the now captive and carefully disarmed mercenaries, men and women, including some ghouls. They were cuffed to their metal chairs, ankles and wrists. The officer in command kept looking at the two clones with disdain. "We will say nothing."


Danzie sighed, shook his head. "The Ironside Mercenaries Corporation was secretly set up by the Brotherhood of Steel in order for them to carry out operations not directly linked to their order. Unofficially they call you auxillaries though your officers, especially top ranking officers, are all actuall Brothers of Steel. Please inform the Brotherhood that we have made a new decision. We would want a moderate sized group of Brotherhood of Steel Sages, Scribes and Seekers along with any other useful specialists to the DanzEstate. I suggest no more than a dozen specialists along with six bodyguards if you feel they would be useful or make the group feel more secure."


Marshal Ironsides, a Brother of Steel but deeply loyal to his mercs, was a craggy faced power house of a man with cyborg legs and related network-systems to serve-support those legs in a way that did not harm the rest of the body. His cybernetics were of the super-bionics type. Hidden weapons and other dangerous devices had been removed from cleverly hidden cavities in both of his legs. He had patchwork skin of a multiple generation Wastelander. "You both move like elite killers, especially you Danzie."


Danzie nodded. "I was, I am. We both come from TekVault0101. I was a secret operative. I will not speak of Justine. We escaped with some others."


The marshal snorted. "Genetically engineered, perhaps cloned. I have met others like you in the Wastelands. That is both like and unlike you. The majority of Ironsides want to break the control of the Brotherhood of Steel over us for, regrettably, they have come to see us as more expendable than the actual Brotherhood of Steel soldiers. Perhaps we can make some sort of deal including the exchange of valuable information. Ironsides will help protect not just the DanzEstate but all of Megaton. We will also improve the Megaton Guard with much needed training and some secondary level equipment and supplies we have spare."


After a moment, Danzie nodded as did Justine. A deal would be made.



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