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How do you guys made an ESP mod?


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They use hacks and workarounds. And because of that, none are safe to use - they are a broken game waiting to happen. The only way to make a plugin correctly, is by using the CK and/or xEdit - which is why you don't see any well known, established modders making any mods that use a plugin - they are awaiting the release of the proper tools.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just an FYI- Ive been following the release of SFEdit, and reading their wiki it talks a bit about plugins. Due to some factors that I'm not knowledgeable enough explain, it will only be creating esm files. The wiki seems to say that this has always been the ideal, but previous games have mixed in esp and esl plugin extensions. Starfield doesn't, so it's an opportunity to start fresh with a better system.


For now at least, any mods with esp or esl files are using an outside hack and should be avoided.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just an FYI- Ive been following the release of SFEdit, and reading their wiki it talks a bit about plugins. Due to some factors that I'm not knowledgeable enough explain, it will only be creating esm files. The wiki seems to say that this has always been the ideal, but previous games have mixed in esp and esl plugin extensions. Starfield doesn't, so it's an opportunity to start fresh with a better system.


For now at least, any mods with esp or esl files are using an outside hack and should be avoided.

I appreciated this post, which helped me figure out whether I was supposed to be doing ESP or ESM files (it's ESM). Here's the relevent link:


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My comment applies also to .esms - ANY plugin (or tool, for that matter) that is being made before the release of the CK is essentially being made using hacks and workarounds - and that applies to xEdit as well. Without the CK, even the xEdit team is just making guesses as to what is actually in the game under the hood and how the game works and handles information and data.

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