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Endbringer (Wow Sword)


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The error says that PYFFI cant be located.
This is how you can fix it and get a good-working version of Blender installed for Oblivion modding:


1. Uninstall the following software and reboot your PC:

Blender, Python, Blender NIF Scripts, NifSkope, PyFFI


2. Download the 2.47 bundle from here


3. Install all the included software just how the readme file describes and in the correct order.


Once you have a working version, you can continue to work with it or try using newer versions but be warned that the latest version of one piece of software may require another piece to be updated first...which may require other updated software. And the very latest versions of all the software may not work together yet. You've been warned. ;)





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I have a question, i installed everything to my D drive sence my C drive is for microsoft only programs. Will this effect the programs at all? I have everything installed and yet my Blender doesnt seem to find the import and export scripts in the import and export tabs... But when i look in the D:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\scripts they are there. What do i do?
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Make sure you uninstalled everything, rebooted and probably should even go into the old directories and delete them if they still exist.


I have my apps all installed to D:\Apps\Blender or D:\Apps\NifTools


I would venture to guess that this problem is from a prior installation...which is my recommendation in the 1st sentence.


If it still fails, check each program's documentation on how to manually uninstall which can give useful information on where to look.


Another thing to try is to narrow down your trouble-shooting to just the specific problem of Blender not seeing the NIFScripts. Check the documentation on how to make Blender look to certain directories for import/export filters and such...or look on the NIFTools support forums. If nothing there, check the Blender support forums for help on import/export plugins.



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Make sure you uninstalled everything, rebooted and probably should even go into the old directories and delete them if they still exist.


I have my apps all installed to D:\Apps\Blender or D:\Apps\NifTools


I would venture to guess that this problem is from a prior installation...which is my recommendation in the 1st sentence.


If it still fails, check each program's documentation on how to manually uninstall which can give useful information on where to look.


Another thing to try is to narrow down your trouble-shooting to just the specific problem of Blender not seeing the NIFScripts. Check the documentation on how to make Blender look to certain directories for import/export filters and such...or look on the NIFTools support forums. If nothing there, check the Blender support forums for help on import/export plugins.




is it possible at all that any number of these files could be currupt from the download and unzipping/unpacking process?

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So much troubleshooting. xD I almost feel like a stranger in my own topic. xP Though I do thank you guys for keeping this bumped.


So, still, no one has given any word of showing interest in making this weapon?

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When I make a weapon from a request, I use the photo that is posted as a reference. I copy the screenshot and post it as a background in Blender. When I am making the mesh for the sword, I have a picture in the background to go by. The picture you linked to can't be copied to my computer, it can't be used as a Blender background. I did a search online for this sword and found nothing. The sword itself wouldn't be hard to model but I doubt I could make it from memory.
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When I make a weapon from a request, I use the photo that is posted as a reference. I copy the screenshot and post it as a background in Blender. When I am making the mesh for the sword, I have a picture in the background to go by. The picture you linked to can't be copied to my computer, it can't be used as a Blender background. I did a search online for this sword and found nothing. The sword itself wouldn't be hard to model but I doubt I could make it from memory.

huh that is almost exactly what I did for my last model (I actually put it on a box front and made a model on top of that). You could probably printscreen that into nice format.

Pacific Morrowind

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