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Where are all the Jewish mods?


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When the war in Ukraine started, you saw all manner of mods regarding that. Some people even changed their profile pics to the Ukrainian flag. However, I have seen NO evidence of support for Israel despite what's been happening over the past few days. Granted, there are valid criticisms of Israel, but we could at least show some support for the Jewish people in this trying time.


I find this all a bit disturbing honestly, especially given that type of folk this game tends to attract. Why all the show of support for Ukraine, but none for the Jews?


Now, to be clear, I'm not Jewish myself and never have been, but I've found what's going on over there disturbing anyway. I've heard even in America everything from Jewish communities to synagogues have been having to up their security due to the events over there riling up anti-Semites. Why is there seemingly no show of support here? I can understand not wanting to defend the Israeli state, but innocent people who wanted nothing to do with this are dying on both sides. Not every Jew supports Israel (though I would assume that most of the ones who live in Israel do for obvious reasons), and not every Palestinian supports Hamas. Why no Israel flags? Why no Torah mods? I mean, we got a Muslim mod not long ago that removed things that were 'haram' ('forbidden' I think it means). Why no Jewish mods? Even this one Torah mod I found admitted that it just took some Bible mod and removed all the books not found in the Tanakh. Apparently it had an issue where the MO missed a few. This mod was released years and years ago mind you.


Why no support? Its all a bit disturbing. Granted, such mods would surely inspire a lot of controversy, but still you'd think you would see people trying at least even if the mods were removing them. Nobody cared about that Muslim mod that was released a while back. Why is there no sudden surge in Jewish mods?

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I do support the state of Israel and it's people, always have.


However I do not believe that this is the proper venue for political discussions which can be highly charged. I would no more consider discussing politics on Nexus than I would religion or any other controversial subject.


That is my last word on this subject.

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I support the idea that Nexus should take no side in anything and only connect people of all stripes through modding. That said, standing back cannot be an excuse after the decision has been made to take sides in some conflicts and not others. My personal wish is for Nexus to reaffirm their neutrality and take no political stances, because otherwise silence becomes a stance too.

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"neutral with a few exceptions" is not neutral. They've never been neutral on the things they aren't neutral on now.


What's happened is that the things they have never been neutral on are gaining a higher profile. It hardly mattered if Robin would have rejected mods to remove non-gendered pronouns twenty years ago because there weren't any games with non-gendered pronouns to remove.

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