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Downloading and Installing errors (v1.9.5)


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System specs: Win x64, 32 GB RAM, 90 mods in list

So i'm using Vortex version 1.9.5 and i've come across this infuriating and inconsistent error and i'm not sure if this is even the right place for this, so i apologize in advance. The other day I attempted to install a collection that was huge (a little over 1000 mods), made a new profile and everything just fine. However during the download/install, I was consistently getting download errors (Error code 21, 00, 30, and I/O error) and the few mods that DID install, half of those were giving me errors saying "Archive is damaged" and the majority of those were a "header issue etc etc data outside of the archive" (Sorry I can't exactly remember the error codes on the install errors) So I figured the collection was wonky or my internet was giving me issues, and gave up on the collection.

Well here we are two days later and im on my normal profile with 90 mods, trying to install some more beautifying mods, and i'm getting the same errors. I know my internet isn't the fastest, but it's been stable so I find it hard to believe that's the issue. I've attempted 6 mod downloads today, and only two have went through normally. I've downloaded and attempted to install CBBE at least 10 times and it cycles between errors randomly, if it's a download issue of files it'll pick different files everytime to flag an error. If the download DOES manage to go through it gives me an archive error. I'm losing my mind here and I don't know what to do.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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Those errors seem fairly easy to understand. The file downloaded from the site but the resulting archive was corrupted. This is usually due to connectivity issues. You can try downloading the mod directly from the site and then drop it into Vortex. If that works something on your PC may be corrupting downloads from Vortex directly.
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Those errors seem fairly easy to understand. The file downloaded from the site but the resulting archive was corrupted. This is usually due to connectivity issues. You can try downloading the mod directly from the site and then drop it into Vortex. If that works something on your PC may be corrupting downloads from Vortex directly.


So I've tried this with the rest of the mods that I meant to download/install, and i've had no issues. Is there any way to check/verify that vortex and my computer just aren't vibing right? Vortex has full access to my files through the recommended means like my appdata folder, admin permissions, and firewall access.

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