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The criminal underworld has accepted you as one of their own. You are a getaway driver for hire. Speeding through the streets of real cities with working traffic systems, pedestrians and motorist on the street and cops on patrol. You are the best Driver in the entire criminal community. You are the Wheelman.
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Just out of curiosity, how many people actually learnt to play this game for the PC without tearing their hair out?


I tried it a couple years back and the controls were so insanely complicated I gave up out of sheer frustration after 10 minutes of barely managing to get the key in the ignition. :P

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Erm, well, I personally didn't have any problems with the controls - not more complicated than the average fun racer with steering, throttle, break and handbreak. Of course, getting your car around a corner properly required a little bit of training, but that's what made the whole thing interesting ^^


The major downsides I can remember about this game was the unbelievably difficult starting mission (the one in the parking garage) and the incredibly unfair last mission.

The ironical thing was that the better your system was, the harder the game would become because you could move the traffic slider farther up which made it harder to get safely through town.

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Agree with Morgoth, controls were fine but the beginning mission was ridiculous. I actually had a lot of fun with Driver, trying to escape cops in San Francisco was always a blast.
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