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Skyrim Memory Patch - fixing ILS, uGrids CTD, freezes! (For REAL)


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I've been testing this the past week with around 230 mods. I used to crash about every 20 min. I've had 4 crashes in a week since installing this. Absolutely brilliant, I'm no longer terrified to open my inventory or open a door, I've been struggling with memory related crashing with this damn game since release and then someone comes along and completely fixes it, and does it so well that 230 mods is more stable than vanilla skyrim was for me at launch. Shenson is truly a king among men. I wonder what he does with all these firstborn children he's getting.

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I did as instructed and I can see the "Sheson took your first born in exchange for more memory" message on the newly added .log, but I still CTD randomly. I'm pretty sure it's not the mods 'cause until 4 days ago I could play for more than 5 hours straight, and I haven't changed ANYTHING regarding mods since 5 days ago.

As to when or where my game CTDs, it's totally random, like, UTTERLY random.

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK, I don't want to sound like a complete noob or anything, but I just kinda started modding skyrim and so far ive been following STEP extended, and a couple said this was recommended. How exactly do you get this though? I repeatedly see just "add this to the ini: "



But is that all you have to do? Does adding that alone to the .ini and doing nothing else magically fix all memory related problems? If so that is some crazy s#*! right there.

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OK, I don't want to sound like a complete noob or anything, but I just kinda started modding skyrim and so far ive been following STEP extended, and a couple said this was recommended. How exactly do you get this though? I repeatedly see just "add this to the ini: "




But is that all you have to do? Does adding that alone to the .ini and doing nothing else magically fix all memory related problems? If so that is some crazy s*** right there.

I have the same question, I'm a super noob when it comes to this kind of stuff, and all I see is:





But I feel like there's something else I'm supposed to be doing. I think there is an SKSE patch file that we are supposed to install? I'm confused...

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Shortly after Sheson announced his miracle patch, there were patched SKSE DLLs available for download, or code to modify SKSE if you had the capability to rebuild it. After that, a mod called SSME was released on Nexus that implemented Sheson's patch without the need to download a new dll. At this point the best bet, IMHO, is to simply install SKSE 1.7, which, although not officially released yet, has been working perfectly for me for months. SKSE 1.7 includes Sheson's fix, and does not require the GiveFirstBornToSheson ini change. The changes Sheson made to the memory block sizes are the defaults for SKSE 1.7, although you can make ini changes to skse.ini to fine tune them if for some reason you need to.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tried it and I experienced a few freezes but no crashes at all. Atleast it saves me from crashes which are much more annoying than a few freezes every now and then - Thanks a ton for sharing this OP! this s#*! really does work. I was tired of having to save every few minutes to avoid losing progress which can really kill the enjoyment of playing skyrim..

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  • 1 month later...

If anyone out there needs more than 512 MB on the 1st block then use these settings (SKSE ini file)


I used "Memory Blocks Log" (mod) to see if it worked changing the values of the blocks... and it did!
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