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Planetary Corrosive Vents


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Why does every single planet have corrosive vents and every 30 feet ?.

I hope when the editor comes out someone can remove them from some planets and reduce the number on other planets.

They have to be editable as the settlements (New Atlantis,Akila etc) and the bases and other placed locations don't have them.

You have found the perfect location for your outpost and their is a vent in the middle!

Thanks for listening.

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I'm trying to figure out how to get rid of the asteroids. No matter where I jump something like 80% of the time I come out in an asteroid field. It's dumb. First, if that was the case no one would ever grav jump, because the fatality rate from rock strikes as soon as you jumped in would be astronomical. Second, that many huge rocks that close to a planet would mean a constant orbital bombardment, leaving lifeless, blasted planets below.


I get some people want to mine them, but that's what asteroid belts and trojan points are for.

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