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StarField Script Extender


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We we're just offered to try out SF Beta Version 8.1.83 but I'm using MODS which requires SFSE to be updated

to work with the new SF Beta version. Will the creators of SFSE create a compatible version to work with the

new beta version of Starfield version 8.1.83 soon or will they wait ?


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Yeah, I found out the hard way and installed SF beta version 8.1.83 - SF wouldn't load because I start SF using

SFSE and they haven't yet provided a SFSE version that will load SF beta ver. 8.1.83.


I was able to uninstall the beta ver. which I assume created a bit of a mess for SF files cause I loaded and

played SF for a bit, then suddenly my play character got stuck to the ground, I couldn't move. Loaded a

earlier save file, same thing. So I quit the game. It would have been nice if Bethesda warned people that

are using MODS to wait, but I guess that's not something they care to get involved in, understandable.


Yeah . . I next verified SF files and it had to replace a lot of files. I should be good to go play game now,

I hope.



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It's a BETA patch.... as in, not thoroughly tested..... I believe it even states "Use at your own risk"....


That said, SFSE isn't going to support beta patches, at all. They change far to often for it to be practical. When the patch is finalized, and actually released, THEN SFSE team will update.

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Got it - Thanks HeyYou

Guess I got lucky and was able to play SF after correcting the mess I created. I got confused about Beta ver., thinking

a Beta version was a completed game release. I'm using about 35 MODS. I also had forgotten that I was using SFSE

as the front-door to load MODS for Starfield.

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Got it - Thanks HeyYou

Guess I got lucky and was able to play SF after correcting the mess I created. I got confused about Beta ver., thinking

a Beta version was a completed game release. I'm using about 35 MODS. I also had forgotten that I was using SFSE

as the front-door to load MODS for Starfield.

Ooops. :D

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