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Console Command Runner


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The problem with CCR is that it creates an overly complicated system to replace Notepad.  Honestly, what does it do?  It runs console commands when you load a save.  It takes regular text files, and turns them into an overly complicated system of dependencies and TOML files.  This is harder than doing one edit of StarfieldCustom.ini and another edit of a single text file.

In StarfieldCustom.ini you place this line.  Don't list other bat files, just ONE.

sStartingConsoleCommand=bat AutoRun

In your Starfield game directory, the one where the exe file is, you use Notepad to create AutoRun.txt.  Put your console commands in there, one per line"

; ---Better, Less Annoying Scanning---
setgs iHandScannerAnimalCountBase 1
setgs iHandScannerPlantsCountBase 1
setgs fHandScannerScanRange 60
setgs fHandScannerSocialRange 150
setgs fHandScannerBaseRange 250

That's it.  It will run every time you load into the game.  You will know every command, and be able to easily remove ones you don't need anymore.  Find more stuff you want to change?  Download the bat file and then copy/paste the new commands into AutoRun.txt with Notepad.  No extra programs, no DLL file that contains god knows what code, no dependency on SFSE.

CCR is a solution in search of a problem.


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On 12/3/2023 at 7:36 PM, aurreth said:

The problem with CCR is that it creates an overly complicated system to replace Notepad.  Honestly, what does it do?  It runs console commands when you load a save.  It takes regular text files, and turns them into an overly complicated system of dependencies and TOML files.  This is harder than doing one edit of StarfieldCustom.ini and another edit of a single text file.

In StarfieldCustom.ini you place this line.  Don't list other bat files, just ONE.

sStartingConsoleCommand=bat AutoRun

In your Starfield game directory, the one where the exe file is, you use Notepad to create AutoRun.txt.  Put your console commands in there, one per line"

; ---Better, Less Annoying Scanning---
setgs iHandScannerAnimalCountBase 1
setgs iHandScannerPlantsCountBase 1
setgs fHandScannerScanRange 60
setgs fHandScannerSocialRange 150
setgs fHandScannerBaseRange 250

That's it.  It will run every time you load into the game.  You will know every command, and be able to easily remove ones you don't need anymore.  Find more stuff you want to change?  Download the bat file and then copy/paste the new commands into AutoRun.txt with Notepad.  No extra programs, no DLL file that contains god knows what code, no dependency on SFSE.

CCR is a solution in search of a problem.


I have to agree with Aureth in some respect. There is nothing that CCR offers that you can't achieve otherwise. It just takes an input and passes it into the console. But it can also help to organize all your batch files and commands. Of course, you can enter 100 commands manually in the console and have the same effect, ie. the settings are changed. You can write a bunch of different batch files, thematically sorted, i.e. one for changes to the ship builder, one for outposts, one for the Starmap settings, then you just call a handful of batch files each time the game starts. Or you use CCR, have seperate files and don't need to manually enter anything anymore. And if you had enough of a "mod" or command collection, you just remove it from CCR and be done. I also use CCR, but sparingly. And sometimes it can also be very convenient to not use the StarfieldCustom.ini for everything. After some time you don't know anymore what entry belongs to what mod. With CCR you at least have some organized data that is easier to handle. 

We also now get to a stage where a lot of settings are put into ESM files. Well it has advantages and disadvantages as well. One is of course organization, you can very easily install them with any mod manager, but changing a setting to your liking is a bit more complicated for most. I also have one ESM with all the basic settings for my taste. It contains everything i usually never need to change. My StarfieldCustom.ini i try to keep as clean as possible and only use settings that i might want to change from time to time but not that often, for example disable character lighting during dialogues, disable the vanity cam. Anything else goes either into my startup batch that always runs at the start of the game and in CCR. To handle all this, it is the best solution . for me. And if i need to change settings on the fly without reloading the game entirely i just use console commands. There will be also mods out there in time, that do require settings in an INI file. These settings are mod specific and thus i don't want them in my StarfieldCustom.ini by default. Also here CCR can help, or ESMs or console commands.

In other words, when i disable every mod i want my Starfield installation as squeaky clean as on the first day. I don't care about batch files in the installation directory as they don't do anything without my say. But otherwise i don't want artifacts in my INI files, folders and files from Mod-Installs left behind (looking at Vortex) or anything. And CCR offers this little bit convenience as well to achieve my goal. 

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