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Starship Salvage & Reconstruction


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So we have the ability to loot starships that have gone head to head with our best and meanest rides that can trash anything the game has to pit against us...But are we satisfied with claiming what was in the now scuttled vessel? seeing the remains just floating in space or strewn on the ground at the impact site of a wreck. But wouldn't it be satisfying and cool to mend the busted up vessels or crashed hulks getting them space worthy enough to limp to a star port, have ship techs make it good as new for a fraction of the cost. Waste not want not...trash to some, may be treasure to others who don't have anything better. could be an option for a survival mode game. 


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no no no, i  get what the op is saying, i too would love nothing more then to find some of the wrecked ships and salvage enough to make a new ship out of it. or to kind of gather ship parts from destoryed space vessels and build a ship from scratch out of them at my outpost. 

personaly it drives me crazy that i cant just build a ship from scratch, i have to have an existing ship to modify or purchase a new ship to modify. granted after i have the ship i can delete everything and start from scratch there, but if i have the money i should be able to walk up to a technician and start a build from scratch wouldnt you say? 

and having a storage area at my outpost specificaly for ship parts i gather would be amazing and probably look pretty cool too. kinda like having a FO4 mech suit hanger but on a larger scale. i mean there are plenty of outposts out there with half built ships just sitting, waiting to be finished. why not have that opertunity?? maybe even make a quest for it?

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On 12/10/2023 at 3:16 PM, Jaimedarkfyr said:

no no no, i  get what the op is saying, i too would love nothing more then to find some of the wrecked ships and salvage enough to make a new ship out of it. or to kind of gather ship parts from destoryed space vessels and build a ship from scratch out of them at my outpost. 

personaly it drives me crazy that i cant just build a ship from scratch, i have to have an existing ship to modify or purchase a new ship to modify. granted after i have the ship i can delete everything and start from scratch there, but if i have the money i should be able to walk up to a technician and start a build from scratch wouldnt you say? 

and having a storage area at my outpost specificaly for ship parts i gather would be amazing and probably look pretty cool too. kinda like having a FO4 mech suit hanger but on a larger scale. i mean there are plenty of outposts out there with half built ships just sitting, waiting to be finished. why not have that opertunity?? maybe even make a quest for it?

Yup, you're tracking what I was sending. Granted that the lazy gamers that only want instant gratification, instead of an immersive constructive OCCASIONAL restoration task (a la...."No Man's Sky) of retrieving the broken ship parts... (Not the ones in the drifting cargo holds) drifting about in the debris fields of recent orbital skirmishes above "insert planet name here" or like I had said initially. in the crater of an impact site where a vessel burned in "again insert planet name here" during a survival play through, would be an interesting to give to us gamers that aren't crying about how this game wasn't made the way we wanted it to be...

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On 12/14/2023 at 4:06 PM, aFamiliarRaven said:

Yup, you're tracking what I was sending. Granted that the lazy gamers that only want instant gratification, instead of an immersive constructive OCCASIONAL restoration task (a la...."No Man's Sky) of retrieving the broken ship parts... (Not the ones in the drifting cargo holds) drifting about in the debris fields of recent orbital skirmishes above "insert planet name here" or like I had said initially. in the crater of an impact site where a vessel burned in "again insert planet name here" during a survival play through, would be an interesting to give to us gamers that aren't crying about how this game wasn't made the way we wanted it to be...

first time i was headed to a crash site, i thought, hmm can i get parts off the ship?? can i add it to my fleet and fix it up? and when i got there, i got a few items from a chest.... WELL THIS IS BULL! lol. i love the idea of collecting parts and making a "frankenstien" ship of some kind so to speak. even maybe finding legendary parts, or experimental parts that cant be found at vendors.. ya know! kinda like the show Dark Matter when they got their blink drive! that would be the SHIZZZZ!

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