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wheres my moon buggy?


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i see all sorts of land vehicles around all the different settled system outposts and such. yet we cant drive, own, build, or interact with them in any way? i wanna see a mod that allows us to deploy one of those storage hauler vehicles that the smugglers use at least.... vasco can only do so much, but if i had a vehicle that i could drive around a planet, exit it and gather resources n such, return to it and deposit them in the vehicle and drive back to my ship, THAT WOULD BE AMAZING. yet not once have i seen any mods regarding this except the PPV mod which doesnt suit me at all.... can anyone make a mod so those vehicles are more then just decoration???

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On 12/10/2023 at 4:58 PM, HeyYou said:

Probably not until after the Construction Set comes out..... But, you can BET there will be a few. 😄

ugggg.... i cant wait that long lol though when the construction set comes out you better believe im gonna go crazy with it lol

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On 12/13/2023 at 6:12 AM, FALCmods4all said:

Also hoping we get to see:

Ridable Hovertrains between outposts

Submarines (may have to wait for some aquatic dlc)

Glider Jetpack attachments

Pilotable Mechs

Space Elevators

Saddles (not attached to this but why not)


absolutely!!!!!!! all of it!!!

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5 minutes ago, aurreth said:

Rideable Hovertains:  it will be a loadscreen

Submarines:  load screen

Space Elevators:  you guessed it, load screen

sadly your probably right.... dammit let me build my own sub to explore the ocean floor and scan the aquatic life.. let me build my own hover train and set where the rails are gonna go.... let me build MY DAMN MOON BUGGY!!!! lol

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1 hour ago, Jaimedarkfyr said:

sadly your probably right.... dammit let me build my own sub to explore the ocean floor and scan the aquatic life.. let me build my own hover train and set where the rails are gonna go.... let me build MY DAMN MOON BUGGY!!!! lol

You'll get a moon buggy, and the first thing in the Creation Club will be horse armor for it.

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