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shipbuilder Categories not all showing up


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hi i'm having some troubles in the ship builder where all the categories are not showing up. the plugins are load ordered through LOOT in MO2 and it gives no error as same when i use LOOT separately. i added my plugins file so  you could see what the problem eventually could be


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Okay this is another instance of this happenning. It's happenning to me and to someone else in another thread. LOOT does not sort anymore in its latest version. I have been trying to use sf1edit to figure out a load order but the habs are still disappearing in the ship builder and categories are not showing up. I am looking at the combination of Place Your Door, TN's Ship mods, and Derretech being the culprits in regards to load order.

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I am copying this over from SBC posts but...

OKay. Not going to like this. Tried everything to get this mod to work with TN AIO ship + Derretech +Junk In your Trunk + Place Your Door. Gave up and just installed the less dependencies version of TN + Derretech + Place Your Door. Lost Junk and thrusters but my ships no longer hollow out and I don't lose default habs, weapons, or get infinite loading. I still have to keep a certain load order (using sf1edit to help on that) but its not as sensitive.

So my solution right now is not to use SBC.

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6 hours ago, ghostmaker00 said:

SBC= Ship Builder Categories.


I also hate Chevy's. 

Oh.  Let's not invent acronyms.  Unless it's something that absolutely everyone uses, like SFSE, you'll just confuse people.

Personally I hate Categories.  I understand why the author made it, but if you look inside it is obviously designed to cater to a couple of mods rather than solve a problem, and it overly complicates the build menu.  And you can't even read the titles of the new categories because the text is so small.

Junk has become unusable as well.  Decorative cargo is great.  Decorative shields, for symmetry, okay.  Decorative weapons is pointless.  The mod has become a bloated mess, and adding a dependence on Categories just makes it worse.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Screenshot2023-12-30193047.thumb.png.7d3f074aa56ebc7519566ab463fab360.pngHere is my LO (LoadOrder) of my MO2 (ModOrganizer2) on my PC (PersonalComputer). SBC (Ship Builder Categories) is above all those Mods in the Deploy and LoadOrder. There is also a further Patch further at the bottom to fix some minor conflicts between "Ultimate Shipyards Unlocked - No Level Requirements" (USU) and "Junk In Your Trunk" (JIYT). USU sets the level requirement to 1 and JIYT sets it back to the vanilla value. To patch copy the entries from JIYT to your patch and change the level requirement to 1. Do NOT copy the records from USU as overwrite. JIYT uses a list entry instead of single items so you would loose those in the Ship Builder. When i counted right there are 37 records that need to be copied.

For me, Place Doors Yourself is the most important mod that shouldn't be overwritten by others, that is why it is at the bottom of the order. There are some more conflicts in the load order, which are resolved by load order for me, or they are un-important. For example the Community Patch edits a few values and one of the mods reverts the change back to vanilla. If you like you can patch that too, but it doesn't impair functionality. So far everything works as expected. I got all items in the ship builder and nothing strange happened. Also do not add mods inbetween mid-game. If you want to add further mods add them to the very bottom of your load order and if required write a patch. Changing your load order mid-game so that already used mods shift their position in the load order is never a good idea. For example if i would like "TN's Class M Ship Building" in my load order now, i would add it to the very bottom of my load order and if required write a patch instead of moving the plugin into the middle of my previous load order. As you can see on the right of the screenshot all mods are also locked in their order so nothing can change that known and working state. I have to wait now until i am finished with the playthrough on this character until i can move TN's mod to it's correct place. And if you are mental as i am always check your load entire load order for conflicts in xEdit before committing it. It can be a lot of work, but in the end i rather spend some time getting it all set in stone than to not being able to finish the game or having constant CTDs. And also avoid using too many console commands, they can do nasty stuff to your saves. Not every issue is founded in the load order, but sometimes also in what people do to their saves. That includes letting mods shift their positions, or worse, deleting mods mid playthrough. The game is not designed to handle deletion of mods and it is notoriously bad at it.

Establish your load order BEFORE you start a serious playthrough. Also test mods for their functionality on a separate save. I have saves for multiple stages and i keep a vanilla save at hand so i can start straight with the testing, without playing through the first introductory quests on Vectera and Kreet. If i need to test the Ship Builder i do then use cheats to up my level or to get a few million credits. But even there i am careful of what i am doing. Adding a few credits won't harm your save, but starting or modifying quests via console might already mess up your testing.

When Loot is released for Starfield, do not rely on it. Loot is not a fail safe tool and can also mess up the best layed plans. On large load orders i use it once at the beginning, after that i never touch it again. And by now i don't really use it anymore at all. Not using it also forces you to look at your mods and you can learn a lot from it.

Another and final tip. Do not reload saves inside the game. If you need to reload a save, exit, start and then load the save you need to go back to. There is a engine bug where the state of items is persistent across reloads. The error was found for Skyrim and FO4 and even tho not yet confirmed for Starfield it will surely exist here too. Especially for quest items this can have fatal results. You pick up a quest item and then need to reload. Internally the quest item is still picked up already, but on the reloaded save you would still need to pick the item up, but it is not there anymore as the game thinks that you already picked it up. The Quest would not be able to continue in this situation. So god rolling, where you reload again and again to get a desired item,  can screw you really over later on, up to an unplayable game.

Sorry for the acronym joke, but Aureth is absolutely right. These self invented Acronyms are a pain in the butt. They do not make you look more intelligent or as belonging to a group with "insider knowledge". And typing a few characters more doesn't hurt anybody.

Hope above helps,



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