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I don't see a NifSkope section. is this the right place?

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NifSkope can be touchy it has movable windows in it's GUI (Graphic User Interface) I've messed mine up so  many times I've learned how to readjust the windows on my own,  getting help with it can be frustrating as most people won't respond.   Do  you mean the GUI when you first open it?   It sounds like you opened the header window, which isn't bad if you need it. I use Block list and Block Details, the windows have two  small squares on the far upper right corner. one makes the windows stand alone so you can move it around,  the other has an x that should close the window.

An image would help so we can see the issue.

I'll follow this post .

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At one point I did have the window with two small squares, now I have the window with the x to close the window. can I get back to the window with the 2 small squares? I did the same thing with the Block list and Block details window only with them I made them stand alone windows. I thought I was just not seeing a simple way to reverse what I had done. As for a picture, don't know how that's done. I have a hard time remembering how to do things,  probably because I'm 73 yrs old. I'm not sure . Seems if I don't write something down I don't remember. Really makes using Outfit Studio a pain in the A_ _. But, enough of that, back on topic, Is there a way to reset everything back to how it was the first time I opened Nifskope? 


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Unfortunately there is no simple way, you can actually use the mouse to grab the boxes and place them in the main GUI area they will snap in place and then you can resize them by grabbing the small lines at the top center of the box to make them taller or shorter, I had to figure that out on my own there's no info about that on the main NIFSkope site or the forums there.

NO worries I'm 70, been modding for many years, you're  good! Also I've been working with computers  since Before Windows and started with Windows 3,  and been going ever since, that kind of helps.

The two blocks are the one's you want . I have Block List  on top and  Block Details on the bottom stacked on the left, with the render window to the right.  Block List is where you access your Shader Texture Sets, and Materials and Block Details is where you edit the paths to your textures  and materials that skin the NIF

Good luck let me know if you need any more help

Edited by RadoGamer
mis spelled
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Ok, Umm... I do need some help with something, sorry, seems like you are the only person actually responding to my posts. Most are just ignored, lots of views, 0 replies. So, that said, my original reason for delving into Nifskope was because I saw,  somewhere, the same thing you just said about Block Details and the paths to textures and materials. I am having a problem with one of my outfits where it seems like I have two different body textures overlapping each other and I was hoping to sort out where these two textures are coming from so I can get just one texture showing. I use Jane Bod and it looks like I have the JB texture and vanilla texture showing. I was thinking I could remove the vanilla texture with Nifskope. The strange thing is... the wonky texturing is ONLY showing up in-game. Looks totally fine in the Nifskope image AND in Bodyslide AND in Outfit Studio. So somewhere in loading up the actual in-game files, two textures are being injected, and I can't wrap my head around a solution. So, since I have your ear, so to speak,  do you have any insight into a solution. Some little tidbit in the back of your mind that my rambling may have jarred loose that may have some impact?

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Check the Material files, no matter if you see the JB textures showing in the texture fields,  if they're not added in the Materials file they won't show up. I've never seen overlapping  if that's what you're seeing.

To find the BGSM files look in the field that says materials. 

In Block Details in the fields of the textures for the NIF open the SubIndexTriShape drop down and look at LightingShaderProperty, there'll  be a field that starts with TXT, You'll see Materials at the beginning of a file path,  highlight it and you'll see the  entire file path at the top of Block Details.  At the very bottom of NiFSkope you can see the entire file path with out having to do anything else.

Once you get the location of the Materials File you're going to need a tool to open it and edit it.  You can correct the file path of the textures if you need to, with this tool.

Materials Editor https://github.com/ousnius/Material-Editor

That's the tool's  main site but you can get it on NEXUS,  most  likely the most recent version will be at the link I gave you.

Not sure if this is your problem but chances are it very well could be, from the sound of it.

I hope this helps,


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I'm not sure which version of Nifskope you are using. Jon and company are still working on it and you can find the latest version here. There is a small discussion area where I see people have been able to get help. Dev 9 is the latest "official" release, but it has a couple of annoying issues so I've stuck with Dev 8. Ironically one of the issues with Dev 9 is it won't remember your window position, so it resets every time you open it. I guess that's one way to fix the layout...

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That's funny🤣

I'm using 2.0 Dev 8, it's the only one I've seen, but I haven't looked in a while. So if Dev 9 does that I'll stick with 8 since I can adjust the GUI the way I want and it stays that way.

Thanks though.😎👍

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8 hours ago, ericws said:

Thank you for the info, I will delve into this and see if I can make some headway. Again, thanks very much for the help

You are most welcome. I hope that helps.

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