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Why does fallout fo4 crash on startup


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8 minutes ago, Gomperthemodder said:

I am very attached to what i have built in game and i hope i can find the solution

i will try to find my laptop specs

You should now have 2 copies of your savegame files.

When the problem is solved they "should" still work unless they somehow got corrupted.

You can make a 3rd and park it outside of your savegame files just in case ( you cna always copy/paste it back inside later)

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i have tried to take a image of the problem but its pretty easy to discribe

when i open f4se launcher it just shows  a black screen and its the same for the steam launcher

i am also now getting "youve passed the plugin limit" on vortex for some reason yet its the game worked for weeks after unkownely going over the limit and it only showed the warning when the game started breaking

Edited by Gomperthemodder
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If the game starts with all your mods, try starting a new game.

Does that work? then the problem is most likely backed into your savegame. (try older ones)

Does it not work? then the problem is most likely caused by one or more mods. Try again without any mods.

Still doesn't work? then the problem is most likely caused by corrupted/missing game files. Restore using steam.


If mods are the (likely) cause: Removing them one by one and testing each time, as said before, is pretty much the only way to find it.

BUT, keep in mind that removing a mod, especially ones containing quests, can by itself crash your game. In that case the only way to find the culprit would be by starting a new game without any mods and then start adding them one by one, until the problem occurs.

Disable that last mod and try again with all (but that) mods. if it works with a new game, try your save game. If that still doesn't work, your save is most likely corrupt. (try older ones)


...and, yeah, always make and keep backups before doing anything 😉

(not just your saved games, but .ini files too)

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ive removed small mods like All americans 2 and Legion of steel and lima detach but my game somehow worked perfectly

the only time my game broke was when i remove Nac x which turned out it had injected itself into my game script and cant get rid of it

also when i delete mods they barely affect my game since i dont use them much unless they add alot of content

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11 hours ago, 363rdChemicalCompany said:

You are not f'ed form making a new profile and copying your save game over and experimenting with that.

This prevents the exact exact issue the gentleman was referring to.

While I do not know what your issue, is what I gave you is trouble Fallout 4 trouble shooting 101: Make a new profile with copied savegame file. Remove mods until it works. Now some mods are difficult to remove fully.

This method solves 3/4s of all issues.

But we still dont really know what the issue was.

If you are not attached to your character you can delete all savegames and then reinstall.

Uninstall and then reinstalling without going into the savegame folders and deleteting "by hand" means the savegames are still there.

The most effectgive and fastest  would is to have one of us "old hands" remote to your computer but even that might take hours but that is a security risk and not something one should do ever unless with folks perosnally known to you.

I spent full days doing nothing but trouble shooting the game in the past, its no fun and no one who is not paid would spend that much for you remotely.

If you want to renagge, plublish all your system specs take screenshots of ever problem screen (it sounds like you advabnced from game not starting up at all to at least the load screen yes?)

Disable all mods in Vortez and does it still keep form starting up?

If the answer is yes, the issue likely is not the mods.

I also sent a message to "HeyYou" he has been helpful on here to members in the past. Hopefully he will chime in.



so the only thing about my specs for my laptop is 

  • Processor    AMD Ryzen 5 3450U with Radeon Vega Mobile Gfx     2.10 GHz
  • Installed RAM    8.00 GB 
  • System type    64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
  • windows 10
  • 237gbs

not sure if im missing more as my laptop doesnt really tell me my specs only the ones listed

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2 hours ago, 363rdChemicalCompany said:

you RAM and your hardrvie are on the low end but I dont think it should cause you these problems. What does everybody else think?


It should do. Besides: If a (working fine) game stops working from one day to the next, the hardware specs are irrelevant. They are sufficient. Only the software component could cause such behaviour. (Like a bad graphics driver update)

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1 hour ago, RoNin1971 said:

It should do. Besides: If a (working fine) game stops working from one day to the next, the hardware specs are irrelevant. They are sufficient. Only the software component could cause such behaviour. (Like a bad graphics driver update)

Good point. Thats always been my sentimnet. But whenever folks report  aproblem if itf they say its a immediate issue on something that worked before folks always poke them about thier system specs. 😏


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