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Why does fallout fo4 crash on startup


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25 minutes ago, Gomperthemodder said:

So what steam files should not appear on my fo4 folder?

i also copied and pasted my saves a bit earlier incase for the nuclear option onto a folder thats in my main storage


No , its the other way around. Your fallout 4 folders are in your steam folder.

Like this

Local disk-->

Program files (86)--->



Common --->

Fallout 4


it is this last folder and its conents that should be gone with a complete and successful uninstallation.

In the meantime some of your save games can be stored apart from this filepath for future use. (you never answred if you saved both the F4SE and FOS files, that are paired together in a modded game?)


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27 minutes ago, Gomperthemodder said:

im a bit confused

so the one with common/fallout 4 should be completely gone while my saves remain?



Common should not be gone.

The Fallout 4 folder should be gone.

You saves should be saved seperatly which you told me you did.

Also did you save both files of your savegames? F4SE file and the FOS files together?

Sir when you ask questions like this, it worries me that we are not communicating properly and its causing me some stress.

Do you have a friend or relative who could do this for you in person? Because with this remote talk through, risk shoots through the roof when we cant be sure if instructions are understood and whether relevant info is communicated back

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44 minutes ago, Gomperthemodder said:

after uninstalling

do I reinstall now or do i need to delete the files?

If you want to have a full uninstall yes then delete.

These fiels will be reinstalled.

If one of them was corrupt and caused your original problem then you would just have the same problem over.

Do a complete clean reinstall so no files left over from before.

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