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Static items for outposts


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1 hour ago, Pellape said:

When CK is availabe, we can add anything to the buildmenues and it is possible with Xedit as well but easier with CK

It's not really any easier with the CK.  You have to make a constructable object for each static you want to add, then assign it to the appropriate list.  Honestly someone who knew what they were doing could probably write an xEdit script to automate it.  But it's not something that's easier with a GUI rather than a text editor.

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1 hour ago, aurreth said:

It's not really any easier with the CK.  You have to make a constructable object for each static you want to add, then assign it to the appropriate list.  Honestly someone who knew what they were doing could probably write an xEdit script to automate it.  But it's not something that's easier with a GUI rather than a text editor.

I used to do exactly that. The problem is with the "Required Items".. unfortunately, even though the game has a Resource form it's not linked to all buildable items to make it actually possible to automate the process of creating their "recipes", i.e., one Steel to make a Knife. Just a note: when one calls akRef.RemoveItem(akItemForm=SomeResource) it removes all items that have a this Resource in their resource component list.. this would have been a great opportunity to create a common component for all buildable objects (and maybe to make item crafting and outpost building a bit more "lifelike but within reason").

Edited by LarannKiar
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