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[16.1][0048] Sherry talks with See3pio and others.

Shendy smiled richly at the two robots, See3pio and Batmanbot, and spoke. "Do you love living here, with me and all our friends, in our apartment?"

See3pio would have bobbed up and down happily but a cat was sleeping, curled up, on top of him.

Batmanbot, still dressed somewhat as a late 19th Century gentleman's servant, was holding an infant in his arms. "We are most happy and my personal service programming works well helping to care for human children and pets. I am most happy when working with the rose garden though the rose bushes are the ones that have no thorns to stab little hands with."

Shendy smiled some more at 3Seepio. "Can I please, please, please speak with the sweetie, sweetie, sweetie who is hidden inside you who is also a sweetie, sweetie, sweetie?"

See3pio responded after a fairly long pause but then with much emphasis displayed verbally. "Prepare to meet a lovely, sweetie, loveliest, sweetiest!!!"

A holographic projection was shone from the floating robot showing a yellow-white, softly glowing, infant figure wearing softly glowing yellow nappy like garments that was a singlet but also a separate cap. The singlet had pockets in which were oddly shaped devices but also a pouch in which slept a rainbow coloured baby figure.

Shendy went wild with happy joyfulness as she held nothing back. "Oh you are so gorgeously gorgeous, wonderfully wonderful, just like your loving friends See3pio and Batmanbot."

The infant yawned, stretched, and then spoke most cheerfully in a childish voice. "Gosh, you only say all them wonderful thingies because they are true! Me is part of your game patron-mentor-benefactor-tributee and the source of the yellow-white flashes of energy but so are you SQuins. Who-what the other aspects are, me does not know right here-now but maybe the knowing of it will come back to me. Rattanboy has been serving us since he turned to the faith of, and the service to, the Goddessgods."

Shendy nodded. "That would explain the positive changes that we SQuins have deepsensed in him. How has he been serving you?"

The infant yawned again, stretched and then spoke. "Rattanboy has been explaining how naughty people can be naughty and even wicked people can be wicked. He thinks that you SQuins are amazingly wonderful and though he does not say it, he loves you all deeply and would give his life for yours. He had a very baddy bad upbringing on a very baddy bad world called Rattannas as ruled by the truly malignant Rattanlords. Rattanboy pretended to serve them but secretly served the rebels who led the revolution that overthrew the Rattanlords with outside support; five, female, super amazon warriors came and slew many of the most powerful Rattanlords including their king, queen, high priestess, high priest, chancellor and the evil huntress. Only the living dead Rattangod escaped but barely so and only after they damaged him badly."

Shendy sighed. "We SQuins were those five! We did what we did in service to the Celestial Goddessgods, the Celestial Light and the Celestial Courts. Our only regret is that the very one that escaped was our main target. It goes by many names, in many guises, but is always the same one ever spreading malignance, corruption and other forms of evil. He was our father before another corrupted him totally, changing him so much that he was no longer our father. Our true father was not evil but neither was he very wise and he lacked common sense as well. He was born on the original homeworld of the Timespacesages."

The infant sighed. "Me is very sorrow for you! Me is Mebeoneisit! Me is a swirly girlie!"

Then she yawned again and the holographic projection vanished away for clearly she needed sleep but perhaps had also to do some thinking, some communicating with others.

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[17.1][0049]  In Hubutary, a New Halfway Zone

Hubutary was a great dealer bigger, more complicated and subtle than the halfway realm that the Steelplayers had met encountered or at least a few of them had done so. Sharry led Gavag, Rattanboy, Robogirlie and and Sherlockmar through the bustling Hubutary Central Markets. More permanent shops were in alcoves with open shutters, at the front, if they were open for business. More were temporary stalls. Harriet was in an alcove store now selling Predoomsday antiques and artefacts along with a few items that did not fit into those advertised categories.

Smells, colours, flashing advertisements, even a few holographic projections, filled the space as much as the shops did. Then there were services centres to one side and other facilities also.

They stopped at Harrietta's stall and she gave Sharry a puzzled look. "I have a sense that I have met you before but can not quite remember you clearly."

Sharry smiled as she looked deeply into Harriet's eyes. "You no longer have any troubling impressions and can now meet us for the first time."

Henrietta broke out into a grin-smile. "Welcome, wise customers, who must know a bargain place when they see one. What can I do for you?"

Rattanboy stepped forward. "I sent you an order for this!" He passed to the owner manager of Harriet's Bargain Antiques and Artefacts a slightly bulging envelope of common type in Hubutary. "You will find everything as it should be."

Cluelings gained leads had led Rattanboy, with the kind of young woman appearing robot,  Robogirlie to going into one of the darker criminal corners of Hubutary though it was not truly so. Having gained the information they needed, Rattanboy had done some wheeling and dealing including bribes given freely as an incentive; the deal had gone through.

Henrietta peeked into the envelope, after opening it, and then slipped it away with amazing speed. She took out a small, oblong, wooden box and passed it to Rattanboy who then gave it to Shandy. She looked into it, frowned softly, nodded and then closed it up before locking it with its key. She spoke to Harriet. "You had a peek into the box?"

The other woman shrugged. "Made no sense to it, what I found, and a little horrific but business is business which is why I want another $1,000 as UIDs or I inform the authorities just what is in that box!"

Henrietta cried out as she burned away in a flash of red-yellow-white energies. Her gear fell to the floor, most of it onto a curious burn mark that was there.

Rattanboy arched his eyebrows. "Harriet was never truly bad so I take it that her looking into that box changed her nature."

Sharry frowned. "Yes but she welcomed it so she turned out to be worse than you knew."

The box burned away, in the same way, as Henrietta had done, except that the box itself was destroyed.

Sharry frowned. "Mastertime was here, in Hubutary but I have doubts that he still is; still, we need to make sure! The items, in the box, were not linked with him but with an ancient evil way beyond him in power that he reluctantly serves at times. Knowing that, and seeing what was in that lockbox, will be to be of vital assistance to our prime quest to gain more information about the GreatEnemy."

Rattanboy grimaced as if not sure he wanted to know more.

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[17.2][0050]  In Hubutary, a New Halfway Zone (Direct continuation of the story post before this one}

Gavag spoke to Sharry. "Can you somehow show me what was in that very heavily warded box?"

She nodded and then looked deeply into eyes. He cursed in an ancient, ugly sounding, mostly forgotten language. Then he spoke. 'It was part of a type of fleshenpuppet avatar, or fleshenfiend, of the GreatEnemy either directly or from one of its most powerful avatars. When I served, in a lowly role, Sasrishista'Togra of the corrupted living gods of Togra'Neffis, I had the unfortunate experience of getting close to such a fleshenfiend."

Sharry arched her eyebrows.

Gavag sighed. "I am a living demigod and Sasrishista'Togra was my father until he was erased, from existence, by the Celestial Supreme Court.  As a main witness, for the prosecution, I was given the dubious privilege of remembering his existence to some extent. My true name is Gavagis'Togra being one of the multiple, illegitimate, children of Sasrishista'Togra. I did serve him, secretly, for centuries but also, then, the Celestial Courts and the Celestial Lawkeepers."

The Celestial Lawkeepers were akin to a mortal department of prosecutions.

Sharry smiled. "You were very brave in turning against your father; though you did hate him for what he did to your mother, and far too many others that you knew of, you also sought justice for the sake of justice. Justice needs to be seen to be done, at least by Celestials, as much as it needs to be done. We SQuins helped capture your monstrous father except that he was not really your biological father at all though your real one is also a living god though, as far as we know, not evil as Sasrishista'Togra was or even of the corrupted Togra'Neffis."

Gavag sighed as if a great weight was leaving his shoulders. Then he gave Shandy a look of curiosity. "Do you know any more about him, at this time?"

Sharry shook her head. "Not now but we SQuins will help you find out the truth if you want to know it."

He nodded and they hugged each other!

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[17.3][0051]  In Hubutary, a New Halfway Zone (Direct continuation of the story post before this one)

The Gloryplayers fired weapons at the Seekaplayers, hurling rocketbullets,  small rocketgrenades, minimissiles, and other projectiles in what was a Gameworldgame illegal move. The Seekaplayers utilised pulselings to hurl powerful pulseshells of energy back at the attackers and shieldlings to deflect the projectiles being sent at them. Bystanders had managed to get away, or to be rescued by others, from the open courtyard covered with large flagstones. An icecream exploded sending icecream and cones in all directions. A security tronrobot was largely disintegrated leaving only its legs behind, still standing.

The Gloryplayers wore garish, over embellished, power armour designed more to impress others than to be practically functional. They outnumbered the Steelplayers by more than three to one but were poorly coordinated, overconfident and a little clumsy.

Sharry scowled. "Those Gloryplayers are heavily drugged and are under dark spiritual-psychic influence of some kind."

Which was when a more youthful, fitter, healthier Harriet appeared with a missile gattling-launcher on her body-armoured shoulder but at a flank of the attackers. The weapon spun and she unleashed a volley of EMP, stunblast and other missiles at the fools. There were many explosions and then the Gloryplayers were down, wounded but none were dying let alone dead.

Henrietta had taken a risk for she could have easily been killed by the Gloryplayers but they were so focused on the Steelplayers that they had not even noticed her; the drug usage far from helped. Then she had fired upon them from beside them before they could even realise she was there let alone do anything about it.

The Hubutary Police, and some paramedics, came and took the Gloryplayers away. The dark spiritual-psychic presence was gone having fled away with out giving any clues to its identity.

The deerstalker hat, and Inverness coat, wearing android, Sherlockmar, blew some fake smoke from his elegant pipe and then spoke. "I induce deduce that somebody don't like us Seekaplayers much."

Sharry sighed. "I was their main target but, yes, they do not like any of us but some of us less than others of us. Henrietta has vanished away and it is time to return to our new Seekateam Outpost here in Hubutary."

It was clear she was not going to explain more about her earlier statement.

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[18.1][0052] Back in Safeumary, While Still Preparing for the Gameworldgame to Truly Start

"Gloryplayers were thrown out of the game early on when they were tricked into going into a false test zone as we were. Though their one was easier than ours, or those of other more 'promising' gameteams, they failed very quickly and in a most pathetic fashion. Who-what ever tricked, and drugged, then influenced them had an easy time of it but they were of little use to the manipulator, in the end. Because of Henrietta seemingly returning, suddenly, from death to ambush the attackers, the hidden presence never got to test any of us Seekaplayers more directly." Sharry sighed and shrugged. "Or at least that is what we SQuins have so far concluded, from what took place."

Professor Sagesmart spoke. "So you SQuins are aspects of our game patron-mentor-benefactor-tributee!"

Sharry responded. "What that means, generally or exactly, we SQuins still need to learn ourselves so, for now, we can give you no more answers."

They were in a combined picnic meeting but the eating, drinking and game playing was over with many participants now napping. K9herois was sleeping with his head in Shimmy's lap but his computer was recording every word spoken for later review; he was genetically enhanced and was very intelligent even without the computer; he had also other tricks, to him, that even he was not yet fully aware of. Stanley was sleeping with his head in Shurly's lap, his computer also recording details; he also had his mysterious abilities but so did other Seekaplayers.

OneThreeMany was sleeping in a bubbly jelly bath with companions of pets and others. Shesheshe was now one of the new Seekasweeties as was Mebeoneisit. 

As for Hubutary, at the Seekaplayer Outpost there, it was now staffed permanently by Seekaservers and some of the new Seekaguards to protect them, and the centre, as security guards.

Shorey spoke. "Rules, regulations, restrictions for gameteams are continuing to be introduced but also adjusted but so are rights. Yes, we gameplayers have rights as supported by our own Gameteams Code of Rights. It is emerging that we will also have both privileges and obligations but what that will mean has yet to be clarified though we do not even know by who-what."

Shimmy spoke. "The new name, for the gameworld, is the Doomsworld as based on the term Doomsday as it a world greatly influenced by that event. Despite the name, 'Doomsday', none seem sure of just how long it lasted."

A chiming sound came, seemingly, from the mid air itself. "We are the Doomsgamelords, of the Doomsgame, that serve the Doomsgods. The official countdown to the start, of the Doomsgame, has begun. You now have 100 standard days to make your final preparations. More briefings will be sent to you in future."

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[18.2][0053] Back in Safeumary, While Still Preparing for the Gameworldgame to Truly Start (Direct continuation of the story post before this one)

GPMBT (game patron mentor benefactor tributee): "You regained all of the gamelings that you spent and they will be under the limited control of the SQuins until otherwise decided."

In 4SVR interactive shooting range shapersuit wearing Seekaplayers were crouched, behind various street obstacles, as madragers came charging at them wearing a mad mix of gear from police body armour right through to nothing at all. They carried melee weapons being mostly anything that they could pick up and use as such including guns that had run out of ammo or electricity. They were easy enough targets but some of them were suicidal bombers with plastic explosives packs on their chests.

In Gaiaregain Power Armour Suits, or so it looked to be thanks to their shapersuit trickery, many of the Seekaplayers there were blasting away with 3x3pulsecarbines able to fire three types of pulsebullets, each, of different levels of power; trouble was the greater the strength, of a pulse, the longer it took for a pulsegun-barrel to be able to fire another.

The robots had their own kind of shapersuits and the androids were disguised as humans with their shapersuits, being again in the same type power armour of the Gaiaregain Order. The cyborg animals there had adapted shapersuits that had them looking like themselves, at least for the moment. The elementals wore elementalsuits that were much better suited to them.

So far the Seekaplayer defenders were using the armoured police cars, concrete barriers and the make shift barricades to good effect. In the last year, of WashingtonDC before Doomsday, even the DCCP (DC Civil Police) had been forced to wear armoured suits and carry paramilitary style weapons. Driven to terrible strength, speed and endurance, madraiders always ended up dying thanks to the drug cocktails they consumed but not before causing much trouble.

A ramraider exploded violently, killing many of his kind around himself.

GPMBT: "You are doing very well but badder, madder, sadder things are coming than madraiders ."

Then the first ramraider came as a fast moving atomic hovercar with added atomic punk spikes, armour and other garish additions. The machine was slowed down, by the changes, but it moved high enough to threaten to go over the obstacles there. It exploded dramatically, destroying it and killing the single madraider driver inside it.

GPMBT: "By the time this was happening the popular name for the nation was the Disunited States of America such a mess was  it but other nations around the world suffered the same fate, or were completely destroyed, with only a very few exceptions of heavily fortified living mostly in bunker complexes. Madraiders appeared in a few international areas but were mostly here in DC though nobody could work out just why that was. That is except what ever faction had created them and guided, if not controlled, them in their actions. Military, paramilitary and police services dealt with them, in the end, with the help of many volunteers."

Sharry struck a second ramraider, a hovertruck version both slower  but more powerful than the previous hovercar. She did so with a heavy blastpulsebullet and followed it up with a heavy flashpulsebullet. The first ripped a hole in its armour and the second struck the inside explosives causing it to disintegrate with its 'flash immolation  effect'.

Gunclawdus struck down a row of madragers with his upgraded, augmented, minigun. "Something is very wrong with those madraiders."

GPMBT: "They were, at first, all drugged up, standard, humans but latter on they were all fast grown, age accelerated, unstable, neuter clones. Of course this was planned, directed, but who-what and why? The XAISA did look into but did not find much before they had to focus on more urgent concerns. As it was, despite have many resources, they were increasingly stretched as Doomsday approached."

The big cyborg bird, Wingfastus, shot through the air and dropped dozens of bomblets that shredded more madraiders.

Shendy threw, very far, a high explosive fragmentation handgrenade. Its blast killed many of the pitiful clones. "Just a couple of more stitches added to the mystery blanket."

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[18.3][0054] Back in Safeumary, While Still Preparing for the Gameworldgame to Truly Start (Direct continuation of the story post before this one)

Sharry revealed, as a confirmed certainty  that those Seekaplayers going to DC would do so using the projection means provided by the spent chancelings.

Shendy spoke of each playteam consisting of nine Seekaplayers of which one would always be an SQuin.

Shimmy addressed the need to go back into the Predoomsday 4SRV scenario of DC but also into one of the current, Postdoomsday DC.

Shorey added that working out how best to use Seekateam resources was still taking place.

Sharry revealed that, from her marriage to Gavag, had resulted in her getting pregnant. Batmanbot had to, at once, promise See3pio that he would explain what this meant later.

Shendy spoke of a possibilities of gaining newly proclaimed Gamepoints from both sidegames, at the edges of the Gameworldgame, and minigames inside it though she could not go into details as none had been provided to the Seekateam.

Shimmy revealed that K9herois was a shapeshifter with three possible states of existence being a cyborg dog, a squat cyborg dog-humanoid and a cyborg human; she would be marrying him, as his human self, and would even get him to wear human type clothes at the wedding ceremony. This was only the first revelation of special Seekateamer powers, and secret natures, to come.

Shorey told of the Gloryplayers being punished by being stripped down to basic resources, nothing special let alone exotic, and being exiled to WashingtonDC. Otherwise the former Gloryteam had been broken up and its special, plus exotic, resources taken back by the Gamegodhood; as insult, added to injury, the Gloryplayers were banned from using that name or any other with the word 'glory' attached to it.

Shurly informed others, except the other SQuins who already knew, that the current Seekaplayers, and even former ones, would be going through harmless, hopefully helpful, assessment tests.

Sharry announced that the first expeditionary taskforce, of multiple skills and types of resources, had departed from Safeumary to Sactumary; no Seekateamers had been allowed, by the Gameregulators, to go with the taskforce. The Gameregulators were a Gamelord Faction of the Gamelords that served the Gamegods; what that really meant, who any of them really were, the SQuins did not know.

Shendy spoke briefly of the careful, tight, recruiting of new Seekaplayers and other Seekateamers. Those failing to become Seekaplayers would often end up being other types of Seekateamers or even helpful Seekafollowers just outside of the Seekateam.

Shimmy spoke of the SQuins being also assessed tested along with doing a big self assessment.

Shorey spoke of a good chance of Seekaplayers being awarded giftlings  for themselves and-or others. Other type gamelings were going to arise but a few would be outside of the control of the Seekateamers such as hinted at questlings, challengelings and bountylings.

Shurly addressed, briefly, plans being made for the first appearance in the real Gameworld that would happen in a large destroyed military bunker linked to the settlement of Cratertown of the USUDC.

That was it, at least for the moment.

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[18.4][0055] Back in Safeumary, While Still Preparing for the Gameworldgame to Truly Start (Direct continuation of the story post before this one)

The truly massive creature, of a godsaurus,  squatted in the harbour waters to jet nuclear flame towards the nearest, huge, robomecha humanoid shooting multiple SRTNMs (Short Range Tactical Nuclear Missiles)   at him.The six legged, dinosaur mutation, raised its long tail and from its tip spat a pulse of pulsating, destructive, energies. The Patriotdian exploded as the upper third of it was totally destroyed. The rest of it collapsed backwards until it hit a large car parking area, crushing many abandoned cars.

It was part of an audiovideo recording sent from Sanctumary to Safeumary. The civil war, starting out as a rebel alliance fighting the new, oppressive, central authority had become a multiple faction affair. The godsaurusi were small in numbers but devastating in impact. The one before them was amongst the largest but the most powerful was the Godsaurus Queensaurus.

Lillylillylui #123ABC, the special baby, was sleeping in Sharry's arms so her teddybear did the talking with-for her. "Godsaurusi should not be in Sanctumary! They must have been put there by the MeddlingModders or so it could be for they have used monstersaurusi before. We think Celestisisbabies be here, as a main aspect of the Seekaprime, the mentor-benefactor-tributee, as you SQuins are."

Sharry nodded, solemnly. "If so that is a very important fact to take into much consideration so thank you very much, sweetie, for letting us know that."

A big atomic jumpjet flew quickly through the sky but compared to the godsaurus it was very small. It zigzagged as it shot mininukemissiles at the heaving creature that did not seem at all concerned. Such projectiles exploded harmlessly against it, though dramatically so, and thankfully caused no fallout.

Sharry spoke from where she sat watching the big 3Dscreen with Gavag along with others. "Who are the MeddlingModders?"

Lillylillylui Teddybear responded. "One called Gamefriendis gives help to Celestisisbabies stating he is one of the fraudulent Gamegods who are truly not gods except a  type of living gods, that is they are not celestial but are true immortals of much power. The MeddlingModders is the name given to more than one, preadult, rogue Gamegod. He calls them 'annoying teenagers' who should know better but who have been spoiled by their Gamegod parents. Me is not sure what that means! Is it like when one spoils milk?"

Gavag smiled. "It is like when you bring up children with out teaching them properly how to respect others."

The teddybear spoke. "Ooommm! That is not very good but even Gamegods can be punished if they break the rules!"

Sanctumary was generally copied after WashingtonDC but one in which no Doomsday had happened to the world. There stood the New Trade Centre of the Triple Towers of heavily fortified, sloping sided, skyscrapers. Great flying buttresses went down to the ground from each one and cross buttresses linked them. The buttresses were designed to crumple so as to take away any kinetic stress. One tower had been badly hit by the great creature.

It seemed that nothing could even threaten the godsaurus let alone defeat it until a great, bulbous, mass rose up out of the harbour water and was soon towering over it. The dinosaur like creature slipped below the waves, with scarcely a ripple, and was gone with amazing speed considering its bulk. The creature, that was very much like one of the mutated Blondie13 but much bigger than even they had been, let out a great roar of frustration.

The teddbybear sighed. "Blondie13 is always very hungry, very very hungry hungry and they are not even the real Blondie13. No, they are really poor tricked clones who were experimented upon by the real Blondie13 who might just also be the MeddlingModders."

Sirens rang out, an alert for incoming missiles of some kind, and the bloated creature also vanished beneath the waves to soon be gone.

The flash, of an advanced fusion, multimegaton, nuclear missile strike was swallowed up by a truly great flash of yellow-white energies that seemed to reach out to engulf even the truly great sized Sanctumary.

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[18.5][0056] Back in Safeumary, While Still Preparing for the Gameworldgame to Truly Start (Direct continuation of the story post before this one)

What exactly had happened, at Sanctumary, was not very clear but that great domain was now calm, the fighting was over, the factions had surrendered to the new Celestrial Sanctumary Council Administration, the CSCA.

The big, lumpy, false Blondie13 were now great big humanoids that spent their time in larger bodies of water thanks to its buoyancy that supported their big bodies. The godsaurusi had befriended the Aquablondie13 and were themselves calmer, both species assisting the general populations of Sanctumary.

2way travel was now much easier between Sanctumary and Safeumary. Smartumary continued to evolve, to expand, with people migrating to there from Safeumary and taking resources with them. Travel to-from Hubutary remained restricted and the same was true of the new Gameutary that was only vaguely known of by those outside of it.

What of a new realm known as Doomsutary? What was that all about?

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