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[19.6][0063] Based in a Gaiacology in US Army Bunker 456DC Below Cratertown (Direct continuation of the story post before this one)

Shimmy killed the false MaHenly with the use of a burning pulse of energy manifested by the use of a pulseling. The powerful, malignant, entity screamed in rage, hatred and otherwise in quite alien emotions even as it was destroyed.

As for the 'little sweeties', they turned out to be not so sweet after all.

Wraiths came screaming, and shrieking, out of an opening transdimensional rift as the first wave but following, not far behind, were distorted corpses as possessed and animated by zraiths. Bizarre robotic entities were fewer being robots possessed by yraiths but in some ways the most deadly of the triraiths that served the lifenraiths, the still living entities that were very distorted, partly by the terrible powers that they possessed and partly by they being dominated by even more alien, powerful, entities.

Materialising, and activating, single use devices manifested turret-tripods that blazed away at the enemy until they exploded savagely even as they were overwhelmed. UVELGs burned away the wraiths, drilled holes in the zraith's heads to kill them at once while the yraiths were decimated by a fuselage of firepower. Despite this the Seekaplayers were driven back by sheer numbers and the hidden power that 'empowered' the attackers somehow.

It was only at the already established defensive line, close to the gaiacology, that they were able to halt the incredible onslaught. Reinforcements came from the Gaiaregain outpost being NPCs of different types, and remoterobots. Supplies flowed from the gaiacology.

The fighting raged until the enemy had been largely decimated and the only survivors were a few wraiths.

Shimmy spoke. "What is of concern is the fear that the true enemy here was only testing us and has far more to throw at us than that evil including more of the same but where are they coming from?"

Somehow the flash, of yellow-white, energies did not take any of the Seekaplayers by surprise though the NPCs were so.

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[19.7][0064] Based in a Gaiacology in US Army Bunker 456DC Below Cratertown (Direct continuation of the story post before this one)

Mebeoneisit was now both in Safeumary and in Gaiacology 456DC at the same time and both, of the swirly girlie, were inside aspects of See3pio. The gaiacology was expanded out through out much of the former bunker that now was in fine repair. A great deal of defences, and security, had been added. The triwraiths, that had died in that place, were partly returned as peaceful graiths who could be defensive aggressive if necessary.

A medium supplying had been activated to top of what was found in the expanded outpost.

The oddest change, in some ways, was that the NPCs had gained spiritual strength, had become 'more than they had been' and were no longer NPCs but were now fully aware Seekaplayers; they were also in both Safeumary and on Doomsworld.

More research was being carried out, back in Safeumary, even as the real MaHenly led the actual sweeties in from hiding in a transdimensional pocket that had been set up for them by the mysterious RetwriRothua. MaHenly was a very wrinkled woman with a great, friendly, smile radiating as much from her eyes as from her mouth. She led a lot of humans, fixed up experimental subjects, enhanced chimpanzees,  oversized cockroach like mutaroaches, enhanced robots, enhanced basic androids, and a few more unique type individuals. There were many handcarts, robotic carts, big creature pulled carts and shopping trolleys full of supplies.

The transdimensional pocket was now linked directly to Gaiacology 456DC and there were more folks still there in now less crowded conditions. It was like a patchwork of diverse interiors of familiar type places; there was indoor gardens, a shopping centre, a hydroponics farm, a hotel, a gymnasium, a 3Dcinema, hallways, elevators, rampwells, a sports centre complete with swimming pools, a zoological centre, a cultural centre, some more useful areas and some not so common or even down right exotic.

In what became known as the Gaiapocket was a copy of the museum that had been found in WashingtonDC close to the harbour as caused by a disintegration weapon.

There was also the vending machine chamber from the fake highschool scenario with all of those machines and other items that had been there but all clean and tidy. Except that the chamber was larger and more vending machines had been added including in variety.

One could soon realise that it was Predoomsday in generic nature with only some features particular to Postdoomsday WashingtonDC.

A medium wishling was activated, as allowed, to strengthen the transdimensional security of the Gaiapocket but doing had other, surprising, effects.

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[20.1][0065] Based in Gaiamary as linked to Safeumary

Gaiamary had been created and with it a major Gaiaregain Base of the Gaiaregain Order and its suborders. The Gaiafollowers all were fully aware of the Seekateam but not all were part of it though they considered the Seekateam to be a special section of the Gaiaregain Order. The gaiacology had been absorbed into the 'pocket' and then both had become Gaiamary.

The Seekateam gained the Ongoing Quest to assist the Gaiaregain to rejuvenate, heal, Doomsworld so that it could no longer be called that.

Part of Gaiamary was a Seekabase with Seekaplayers and now, Seekaservers.

At core of Gaiamary was still the Gaiapocket but its nature had changed as the interior of the old Gaiapocket became that of a great structure; now it was an amazing set of natural reserves under heavy protection.

The SQuins circle meditated for three hours and then they talked with each other.

Sharry: "Ambushed not once, now, but twice; firstly with the F3I1S that must have taken great effort and many resources to create and then with the bunker below Cratertown."

Shendy: "Except that who-what was going to such trouble seemed to have their efforts undermined by 'others' be it our mentor-benefactor-tributee that we five are apparently an aspect of or even the mysterious RetwriRothua."

Shimmy: "Of course, unless it was all set up by the same force putting under pressure to pick up powerful clues, leads, that we will need to fulfill our goals as both linked to the Doomgame's quests and our own that we have yet to fully sort out."

Shorey: "Could be be undertaking special quests, in a semiconscious fashion, that is linked to the Doomsgame but also outside of it?"

Shurly: "Hopefully there will be no more such ambushes no matter who-what has been setting them or why!"

They had run right, smack, into a wall of 'lack of significant data' and a strong, subtle, feeling that the necessary knowledge was with them but was swamped by a small ocean of it. It was time to go over gathered data and also to reach out to Doomsworld not just more but to help clarify what they already had.

The voice seemed to speak from the very air itself. "How was the Doomsworld created and was in done so from scratch or built on the basis of another world if not more than one? What is the Doomsgame and was it based on an actual 'game'? What truly are the Doomsgods, the Gamegods, and those linked with them? What of the celestibaby and those linked with her or at least her powerful avatar that appears to have come to here. Review your resources, including your knowledge, and go to Cratertown. Iself am the very impressive RetwriRothua signing off; Iself will be talking to you, again, soon!"

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[20.2][0066] Based in Gaiamary as linked to Safeumary (Direct continuation of the story post before this one)

Back in Safeumary Seekaservers were going back all the information as gained by the spending of 10 cluelings but also other information gained that might assist the Seekateamers in carrying out their quests.

In Gaiamary Shimmy was looking through the contents of a Adventure Explorer Kits of dangerous, mysterious, forbidden sites of DC as spread out on a tabletop when she picked up a fairly cheap pamphlet with black-white photographs and simple font writing. It advertised 'A Excitingly Dangerous Visit to the Disintegration Crater of Vale Crossing'. While the included map was not of great quality it was soon apparent that it was discussing the same crater that centered Cratertown.

Those who chose to pay the $10,000 in US currency, were informed that they would be provided with old style, second hand, but well maintained hazmatsuits but would still only be able to get fairly close to the crater as it was covered by a transparent dome. There was a research complex there along with other facilities including a paramilitary one of those guarding the site. The price was fairly high because it paid for bribes to various people there. There was the promise that the very sight, even through the dome, would be an amazing experience to be remembered all of their lives.

Then she remembered an article in a Seekateam made copy of a Predoomsday edition of DC Speak All and looked up in that moderately expensive publication that had good quality 2Dphotos. The article spoke of a group, of eager young profit seekers, arranging a 'secret visit' to the Vale Crossing Crater in old fashioned hazmatsuits. They had their wondrous view of the crater but then all became horribly sick. Those who had been bribed, to let them in, were all punished with prison-convict sentences. Those who became sick were mercy terminated except for the secret held fate of five of them. The DC Speak All promised to try to gain more information but also stated that, like all such subjects, it was likely that they would fail to do so.

If such a crater was dangerous than why would a settlement be based around it?

With a soft, sparkling, shimmer a cubebox appeared on the desk and she knew that 99 others, identical to it including its contents, had materialised elsewhere in different places.

K9herois was in human form and sitting close to his beloved Shimmy. "Cratertown must be a fearful place to be centered around that crater."

Shimmy took out a thick book, of fair quality make, and the cover was displayed in English writing. "Brownlins' Postdoomsday WastelandsDC Atlas Edition 12. She showed the cover to her husband and then used the index to find Cratertown and the truth was soon revealed in a most pragmatic manner. Cratertown was linked with three large craters of which the infamous one was outside of. The two craters, that Cratertown was focused on, were the Big and Little Craters though both were very large. They had been caused by powerful, conventional, weapons during a conflict many years after the end of the ACW2. What was centered on the disintegration crater was the Cratercompound of the Cratercult.

K9herois nodded. "So a crazy cult worships the deadly crater."

Shimmy sighed. "Crazy cults are an only too common feature of the Doomsworld. How would you like to go to Cratertown? Gaiamary has given us more than one easy way to get there, now."

K9herois nodded his slightly doggy head. "I suppose you want me to do my 'spiritual psychic sniffing trick'."

Shimmy nodded. "Partly but there are a few reasons that Seekaplayers should go there. It will be our first trip to a genuine Postdoomsday DC site apart from the mostly destroyed bunker."

From the same 50cm by 50cm cubebox came a Cratertown newspaper titled the Cratertown Reporter. It was published recently as in the 17th of April 231 PostD (Postdoomsday). It seemed that the newspaper was published when ever enough resources could be gained to make it happen but that meant, in practice, at least twice a month.

In the newspaper edition was an article of a citizens' meeting in which concerns had been raised about the increasingly disturbing incidents as linked with the Cratercult and the Cratercompound. There was talk of muffled sounds of screaming, shrieking and gunfire coming from the heavily fortified compound. More subtle was the increasing feelings of 'disquiet' felt by Cratertown citizens who went close to the compound. Some citizens were having strange nightmares or even waking visions of horrible nature of 'things' happening in the Cratercompound. The Article was brief, as if short of important information, but was on the front page. The Cratertown Mayor promised that positive, effective, action would be taken right away'.

The next item was a thick notebook full of scrawling writing, in more than one language, diagrams, graphs and equations. The notebook was by one Professor Albert Brown who was one of the four names on front of the atlas. Shimmy soon worked out that he was a very intelligent, astute, man if a bit 'scatter brained' and perhaps 'eccentric'.

The next was a thin book that was all about Cratertown and its history with only a small amount about the 'unfortunately insane Cratercult' that the good citizens of Cratertown had to put up with; it did not go into why they had to do so. The rather pompously written text, by something called the Cratertown Citizens' Committee, did have a moderate amount of useful information in it but much of it was of little use.

The next item was a rather witty, ironic, at times sarcastic, account of Cratertown and its inhabitants. It had a good deal of information in it, a lot of it being of limited use as it focused on ridiculing certain citizens especially the members of the Cratertown Citizens' Committee.

The last item was a torn buttonshirt in a tight sealed, thick but transparent sample bag. K9herois had one sniff and let out a yelp of fear and disturbance. Then he spoke. "Wraiths did this."

Shimmy sighed. "Here we go, again!"

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[20.3][0067] Based in Gaiamary as linked to Safeumary (Direct continuation of the story post before this one)

Shimmy wore a shapersuit as did K9herois as a dog, Sharry, Gavag, Machomuch, Gunslingerjo and DocSmith. There was also Arius but she was in an elementalsuit and was invisible. As Gaiaregainers they had with them two former NPCs of Gordon and Jessica, both being mutaghoulmans with fixed up features so that they looked like typical humans. They wore Gaiaregain power armour but with transparent visors showing as outer visors were open. There were also two carryrobots hauling extra gear. Apart from Arius, and K9herois, they all had backpacks.

They approached the heavy metal, concrete, patchwork dome of Cratertown that had been started over 150 years ago and upgraded, expanded, since. Out from Cratertown was a not so desolate part of the Wastelands being semiarid with a scattering of trees, some grassy areas and the crumbled remains of structures. The sky was largely clear blue with dark clouds coming in from the east. They were bringing the promise of clean rain.

The heavy gate was closed but at front of it was an outpost of tents, sandbag walls, militiamen who were not all men, local traders and other folk. They were examined with understandable warriors by the militiamen wearing an odd mixture of body armouring and carrying mainly old fashioned type guns; that is double barrelled shotguns, bolt-action rifles, revolver pistols and a single pump-action shotgun.

A tall, rather angular, man stepped forward. "Cratertown Militia Lieutenant Nashan at your disposal. What with that power armour of yours, our guns would not even do any real harm to you. Very few factions have such hitech and none tend to come this far from WashingtonDC itself. Never seen those markings before; who are you people and what do you want?"

Sharry spoke. "We are the Gaiaregain Order seeking to bring the rich nature of Gaia back to this world starting with the Gaiareclaim Program. First one reclaims natural conditions and then one regains them. We are new to DC, are strangers here."

Nashan snorted. "So you are optimists, are one of those lots of dogooders with lots of fancy ideas and not a lot of common sense. Still, you must have some practicality being so well armoured-armed as you are. We can do some trading with you but I suspect you will not want to enter Cratertown once you know about  the sort of troubles that we have been having in there."

Sharry shrugged. "Wraiths? We have been told, by a source that we will not disclose, that you are dealing with transdimensional intruders of a type called wraiths and that they are of malignant, savage, nature."

The man snorted. "Some are but other 'things' are more nuisances than they are evil. So you have heard about these wraiths, as you call them?"

Sharry snorted right back. "We have fought and destroyed many of them. We can help you deal with the threat."

Nashan nodded. "What do you want in return; we do not have any valuable resources to spare."

Sharry smiled. "Information about just what is going on with the Cratercult, the Cratercompound and the cursed crater that they are so obsessed with. That is more than enough in exchange for a good deal of assistance. The wraiths, if that is what they are, are likely coming through a transdimensional rift as caused by the disintegration weapon whose detonation led to the crater existing. It seems that we have much to discuss. Firstly, though, do you have any people, amongst you, who have come down with unusual illnesses? Perhaps we can help them."

Nashan sighed heavily. "Follow me, right now, to that big tent over there with the Order of Compassion sign in front of it. Hopefully you are just what we need."

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[20.3][0068] Based in Gaiamary as linked to Safeumary (Direct continuation of the story post before this one)

They were able to help the sick ones sleeping on foldabeds but mostly on crude beddings on the ground. They had gained knowledge from dealing with wraiths, from gaining information from them and then the friendly versions that came from them, the graiths. When a graith showed up it was quickly identified as such by the Seekaplayers.

Sharry spoke to a Sister Compassionate, who looked exhausted. "One carrybot, of gear, is yours both for you sisters, your fewer brothers, and those you serve. Truth be we came with equipment-supplies meant for you as requested by another. The cheeky ones are graiths that have risen from some converted wraiths few active celestial forces. While we have some midhitech for you most of it is midtech and even hilotech."

The other woman smiled, warmly if tiredly. "Everything you can give is more than welcome. We have not heard of you, before."

Sharry smiled, sweetly of course. "Our people retreated to deep underground even before Doomsday took place for we saw that disaster was coming though we did not predict just how terrible it would be. Even down there we felt its side effects though they were dampened in comparison to what must have been experienced up here though in a patchwork fashion. Get some sleep! We have a type of herbal tea with a mild sedating effect that will help you get a good rest."

Helena nodded her hooded head of her light reddish brown hoodrobe but with an ironic smile on her face. "I was hardly expecting such words from a stranger like yourself. You have proven yourself, with your actions, and could have easily taken us all by force anyway, if you had been so inclined."

So the Sister Compassionate was soon sleeping, on her own makeshift bed. She had asked them to wake her after three hours but they let her sleep on as they worked on the sick including those made so by causes other than wraiths. That no reports, as brief as they were, indicated no solid attackers but entities that sometimes went through walls, it seemed that neither zraiths, or yraiths, were involved in any direct trouble.

To the Cratertown Militia they passed shockbidents, being like tridents but with only two prongs, that were electric weapons. They were in two parts that could easily, quickly, be assembled. They were of midtech nature and easily maintained by those of the settlement and even manufactured by some of their artisans. Even stabbed into a wraith, and then activated, a high voltage circuit would be formed through that wraith that would do it a great deal of harm. Such entities were even more vulnerable to high voltage electricity than were local dimensional ones; was it because they had adapted to local conditions.

Shimmy, K9herois, Machomuch, Gunslingerjo and DocSmith led a group of militiamen, and other locals, while Gavag, Gordon and Jessica staid to assist Shimmy. The elemental, Airius, scouted ahead of Shimmy's group, through Cratertown, and swept back the one wraith that she ran into.

They avoided the main areas, of Cratertown, but went around them until they reached the heavily fortified Cratercompound. Airius waited for them there at the heavily armoured doubledoor that was the main entrance or at least so was the official account. More militiamen, and even more others, were there including three sheriff's deputies and two constables; deputies were full time and constables part time or casuals. Shockbidents were passed to some of the locals along with spare, fully charged, portable pouch batteries that could be recharged.

K9herois spoke in a gruff voice, forgetting he was supposed to be only a canine who could not do that. "Wraiths are weakened compared to those that attacked us. Yes, can deepsense this but I do not know how."

Airius shimmered softly and dared to speak in an a mildly echoing voice. "From the wraith, that I encountered, I support gorgeous K9herois' words."

K9herois loved this compliment, why not, and gave Airius a lick but then did the same to Shimmy so she would not get jealous.

They would have opened the heavy, metal, doubledoor but it blew open before they could even try to do so.

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[20.4][0069] Based in Gaiamary as linked to Safeumary (Direct continuation of the story post before this one)

Through the opened up doorway came a great mass of fleeing graiths, wraiths and ghosts that halted behind Shimmy where they tried to shelter there as if using her as some kind of shield. Close after came terrible shambling figures of desiccated human like figures. Clothing hung from their shriveled up bodies and their eyes were haunted, almost vacant, but there was no sense of threat about them.

Shimmy threw three medium gamelings into action as a wishling, a healing and a renewling.  As she had hoped, a flash of yellow-white energies mingled with the effects of activating the three gamelings.

So the sordid story of deep corruption came to light; the real reason that Cratertown had grown, in that location, was that elite citizens had sent thugs to abduct travelers, who were strangers to Cratertown. They were then smuggled into the Cratercompound of the so called Cratercult that did not truly exist except as a cover story. Instead the traitors, to the living, had gained payments in fair condition Predoomsday technologies, EIDs, golden jewelry, and other such items; except that a few 'elite' Cratertowners had gained what seemed to be an amazing reward of rejuvenation and extended lifespans only to be deeply cursed for their sins.

The Seekaplayers went deeper into the compound where they found confused humans, a few being former mutaghoulmans, and loose piles of rejuvenated items including clothing. That was in a great chamber that those people were keen to get away from though they took, what they could, with  them.

The Cratertown elites had paid outsider workers to build the compound and then had betrayed them to a terrible entity existing there, even going as far as to steal the currencies paid to their victims.

When the yellow white energies had created Gaiamary it seemed to have driven away the terrible entity that had drained blood, liquefied flesh and life energies from the victims brought to it by certain Cratertowners.

The creature was sleeping as it lay in a very clear, clean, crater type pool apparently cleansed of any terrible toxins. The wraiths had become graiths and many graiths happily kept the bulky humanoid company. It had been the 'monster' that had been as tormented, and trapped, as its victims.

Knowledge had come, to people, with the flash of yellow white energies but only in a general fashion. Apart from what had been already stated, the information came that a dangerous transdimensional rift had been closed.

The creature opened its eyes, yawned, and spoke. "Me want to go to Safeumary with my friends."

Shimmy smiled. "Very good! You will make even more friends there and be very happy. Do you know much about your old self?"

The creature shrugged. "Me changed from creature that was dragged through the rift against one's will and then trapped here. Me can't go back there, body wise, but when me sleep me dream with my people back there in my old home. RetwriRothua was already trying to help but he complained that the Redito had too much influence over what he could do and couldn't do, what ever that is."

When another flash, of yellow white energies, took place they took the creature away and the compound, of only a few, mostly bare, spaces; but why had people reported sounds of screaming, shrieking and even gunshots as muffled as they had been? With the creature, now named, Swimmius, went he took with him all the graiths. The others had returned to being human.

Which was when a large, mixed, posse arrived of lawmarshals, Reregulators and others with them.

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[20.5][0070] Based in Gaiamary as linked to Safeumary (Direct continuation of the story post before this one)

Tough Reregulators moved in duster jackets with hidden body armour and lots of heavy firepower but also some hitech devices. They had been tracking the vanishing of travelers, in the area, with assistance from USUDC Lawmarshals. As disguised, as they were, they had led back to Cratertown.

Jackman, of the Reregulators, addressed Sharry. "We spent a lot of resources finding the source, of the criminal activity, only to find it largely resolved. I would have to say that this has not happened before."

Reregulators were rounding up those who had committed crimes by helping to provide the fake Cratercult with victims. As for the Cratercompound, its future was up for debate with various factions making claims on it. Lawmarshals were assisting them. The local sheriff was now in a cell awaiting trial.

Jackman was sitting at a table of the Brass Diner, a popular eating hole of the more common citizens of Cratertown. "A large number, of the local elites, were said to have vanished away in flashes of red, yellow, white energies."

Sharry took a sip of rather bitter Wastelands coffee and then added more milk. "Celestial forces at work. Some had turned against their own evil such as the Sister Compassionate Helena Fraithbush who is now under the protection of the Gaiaregain Order. We can provide you with resources if you so wish. It is part of the Gaiareclaim Program to do so of the Gaiaregain Campaign."

Locals were, understandably, curious about the Gaiaregainers even more than they were about the Reregulators; this was understandable as the former were complete strangers to them while the latter were somewhat known to them.

Jackman snorted. "Celestial forces at work? What does that mean?"

Sharry gave a mild shrug. "It means that what happened was beyond mortal understanding and it should be left at that."

Shimmy sat next to K9herois in his human form. She carefully wiped some cooked egg off his face. "Most townsfolk, here, seemed to have gone along quietly with the crimes." Then she kissed her husband.

Jackman frowned hard. "They will pay by being under direct authority of the Fivetowertown based Union Government. Cratertown has always had a bad reputation as probably the worst settlement of the USUDC." He returned to eating his meal as the Seekaplayers there focused on their repast.

There did not seem more to say, at least for the moment.

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[20.6][0071] Based in Gaiamary as linked to Safeumary (Direct continuation of the story post before this one)

Wraiths had all become graiths in Safeumary and ghosts had gained new bodies and lives.

The Reregulators successfully claimed the Cratercompound now renamed as the the Cratertown Reregulator Outpost.

Sharry stood in the chamber with the pool. "Do your people know about any other disintegration craters apart from the one that created WashingtonDC Harbour?"

Jackman frowned. "Hayshin Bowl, Apparlatis Crater, and the Toxicanna."

Sharry nodded. "Professor Brown's atlas spoke of the first, and last, of those sites that were all created during the same year of the ACW2 but also of the Three Crater Zone at the very edge of DC."

She meant the expanded DC of the late 21st Century; the expansion had been undertaken for a range of reasons as had that of WashingtonDC itself.

Jackman nodded. "Why do you ask?"

The SQuin responded. "We suspect that it was no accident but was planned that way with a pattern, of such craters, being blasted into existence; question is why? One answer is the opening of rifts from other dimensional realms."

Jackman frowned. "That idea is interesting but needs more evidence to back it up as a hypothesis."

Sharry nodded, as if more to herself than to him. "One of your deeper roles, as Reregulators, is to deal with such troubles as your hitech devices indicate is the case. The same is true of we Gaiaregainers. We suspect that the rifts have something to do with the GreatEnemy as it is whispered to be. We can never truly clean up Doomsworld, giving it a new and more hopeful name, if the rifts are not dealt with. As for the GreatEnemy, what ever it truly is, we do not know if it managed to invade Doomsworld except to send forth some aspects, avatars, of itself."

Jackman frowned. "Does the GreatEnemy truly exist? I have my doubts but then again I will keep my mind open on the issue; past, strange, experiences has taught me not to deny such ideas with out strong reason."

Sharry smiled. "Then it is time to show you something of interesting nature, if nature is a word one can use in this context."

Jackman shrugged. "Go for it!"

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[20.7][0072] Based in Gaiamary as linked to Safeumary (Direct continuation of the story post before this one)

Computer trickery had turned older, and newer found, data into a projection show based on WashingtonDC Harbour and its creation.

There was the bizarre fish like vessel that could have been a kind of submarine but was it alive; the features seemed to be those of an actual organism except that it also had portholes and hatches along with other details of a typical submarine.

Sharry spoke. "This only showed up briefly before, it is suspected, it went into the deep ocean. The symbol, showing on its side, is of Cthulhu being an ancient living god of evil or so it is written."

Then there was  the Titanic II of elegantly advanced shape.

Sharry frowned. "The crew, and passengers, of the liner spoke of a great monster 'grazing' the liner with its mass of ethereal tentacles. Many went insane and a few committed suicide or were killed by others, on the ship, before US Coastguard people could intervene. Survivors spoke of the 'GreatEnemy' that had been a menace on the world that the ship had come from. The ship was taking refugees escaping from an area being devastated by the GreatEnemy and its followers along with its minions. Except that none seemed to know the true nature, of the menace, that seemed chaotic in the way it acted and most alien in its form of existence."

The silvery saucer, complete with cyborgmans, showed up and Jackman shook his head in wonder. "So that is where those creatures came from as a curse on this world."

Sharry snorted. "Not automatically so. We have contact with a small population, of cyborgmans, living peacefully in a special realm from this one. Depends on their program conditioning on how they behave."

The three, Viking like longboats, showed up only briefly.

Sharry addressed them. "Apparently not all of those, who came through the rifts, came to stay on this world."

Then there was the great sea serpent creature.

Sharry frowned softly. "It only showed up briefly. After that were only reports of glimpses of the creature in the Atlantic Ocean. Despite its sheer size it was amazing hard to track."

The giant, vaguely Nazi like, submarine showed up with some crew members up in the transparently enclosed tower top. Sharry gave Jackman an odd smile and Jackman sighed. "Pannazzine Empire also known as the Fifth Reich. Unlike the Third Reich, of this world's history, there was no 'final solution'. Our empire operated on the same parameters of fear, and greed, as did our enemies but not to the insane degree as displayed by your world's Adolph Hitler. Yes, that is me there with a submarine jammed with refugees trying to escape from the GreatEnemy. Captain Heizzan Henrichen at your service. The submarine, GrafSpren  is now part of Shipscity that is used as the Reregulators' Main Base. So is the Titanic II."

Then there was the giant, brightly glowing, baby in a great floatation device but this time it was clear it was not alone as perched on her shoulder was a large, glowing, dragon while another flew slowly just above the giant baby's head. There was the impression that they were there to protect the special one but were they the only form of protection there?

Jackman shook his head in wonder. "Well, I thought that I had pretty much seen everything but clearly I was wrong."

Edited by Maharg67
To show that this story has been edited from the start.
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