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Throwing Knives


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We have these combat knives that are really too small to be doing damage and there is not current option for an effective steath takedown using them. They look prime to be used as a throwable knife which would be nice to have. Is this possible or something that will have to wait til next month?

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So just to be clear, in a game set after 1800, you want to throw away your last-ditch defense rather than using the post-medieval projectile weapon that conveniently fits in your pocket, that will probably kill your opponent rather than piss them off?

Anyway, from a strictly technical point of view it could be done, but someone would have to do the animations, unless you want to use the grenade throwing ones.

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I did make throwing pickaxes in Morrowind 19 years ago but that game had support for throwing knives and Oblivion to Starfield lacks that support, which is a requirement really.

Edited by Pellape
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