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New behaviour when downloading / installing mod updates


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I'm running the fresh v1.9.12.


When I download new versions of mods I've already downloaded and installed, Vortex works as expected. However, when I try to install the new file, I get a dialogue box that's new to me. It has the message:

"An older version of this mod is installed. You can replace the existing one - which will update all profiles - or install this one alongside it. In the latter case both versions will be available and only the active profile will be updated."

Then there are three buttons at the bottom: Cancel, Update all profiles, and Update current profile.


In previous releases, Vortex would simply install the new file in another folder, and leave me to update the profile. It looks as though this change is intended to help users in keeping their Enabled mods current. However, in my current profile, I don't have the mod in question, in any version, Enabled on this, or any other profile. Nor do I wish to do so right now.


Now, if I understand the presented options correctly, Vortex is offering me three choices:

1) Don't install,

2) Enable in all profiles, replacing existing installations, and

3) Enable in current profile only.


None of these suit me. I want to keep my mod installations current while maintaining history should I need to roll back, and I want to enable the mod when it suits me.


It looks as though the trigger for this dialog box is detecting when a mod's previous version is installed, but not ensuring that the installation is Enabled.


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This dialogue has been part of Vortex for years at this point, so it is strange you haven't seen it before. 


What exactly are you trying to do? Vortex doesn't delete the old archive in any of these scenarios and you can install the old version again from the version drop-down. 

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I'm trying to do exactly what I wrote here:

"When I download new versions of mods I've already downloaded and installed, Vortex works as expected. However, when I try to install the new file, I get a dialogue box that's new to me."


When I finish downloading a new version of a file, I'll see a notification in the top right, with the option to install it.

Before I updated to 1.9.12, Vortex would, if I selected Install, extracted the newly -downloaded file into a new folder, and the status for that new version would change from Blue - Never Installed  to Gray - Disabled.

After upgrading, I get the dialogue box I described above.


Now, because I run multiple profiles with different mod lists, I don't want Vortex making changes to all of them. Also, as I download mods in anticipation of using them in the future, I don't want Vortex to automatically enable mods.

Now, let's look at that dialogue again.

"An older version of this mod is installed. You can replace the existing one - which will update all profiles ...". This doesn't talk about a mod being Enabled; it refers to a mod being Installed. Replacing an Installed file is clearly different from replacing an Enabled file. 

And further:

"... or install this one alongside it. In the latter case both versions will be available and only the active profile will be updated". Previous Vortex behaviour gave me a notification on completion of installation, offering to Enable the newly installed file, but clearly leaving me able to to decline. Now, however, Vortex states that it will (not may, will) update my profile. As I've stated, I often don't want this:

"However, in my current profile, I don't have the mod in question, in any version, Enabled on this, or any other profile. Nor do I wish to do so right now."


Pickysaurus wrote:

"This dialogue has been part of Vortex for years at this point, so it is strange you haven't seen it before."

That may be so, however:

"It looks as though the trigger for this dialog box is detecting when a mod's previous version is installed, but not ensuring that the installation is Enabled."



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I'm aware that what I'm trying to do is a simple installation. However, Vortex v1.9.12 is not behaving as the previously installed version did.

Under Interface/Automation both "Install Mods when downloaded" and "Enable Mods when installed (in current profile)" are disabled. Therefore, I would expect that, when I try to install a downloaded file, Vortex should not be making any changes to my profiles. However, according to this dialog box, any option other than Cancel will result in changes to all profiles, or to my current profile.


If Vortex can't identify an older version of this file, it will install the file without incident.

If it does detect an older version of the file, I get this new dialog box, which forces me to either 1) not install files, or 2) manually disable newly-installed files.

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