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Skyrim expanding on my SSD card.


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Hard to tell exactly whats happening but everytime when i start the game my SSD card gets fullfilled in the background.I try to explain like that - when i start the game i got 30GB free space on my disk,after hour of play sometimes is so bad i even get the message from windows that the game cant make new saves cause the disk is full.I searched all the folders even in the hidden folders for additional files but there is nothing added to the folders.So i have nothing to remove.I got installed SSE engine fixes where i got that SKSE bug remover where skse makes new savefiles but not removing the  junksaves after its useless.That works fine so thats not the problem its not fullfilling the disk anymore.Next thing i changed, doubled the size of the savefiles so the game can work with bigger files preventing the False corrupted savefiles.Also works well.So to remove those hidden expanded things in the background i always have to restart the PC and then again got the normal 30GB left as i started the game.All those ghostdatas are gone.I have no idea whats happening,could somebody push me in the right direction what i could do about it?Or explain me what is it happening?I now Skyrim 13 years and i now the engine got the Memory Leak problem.But i dont think thats causing this problem in the background.Im not running any other programs in the background except Vortex while im playing.

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Guest deleted65729341

The first thing that comes to mind as a possible cause of your problem is the memory used by the game. In other words - built-in cache.

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I investigated that swap file.Probably thats the problem of windows 10.Totally disabling it its too risky.I followed the instruction on the official site reduced it from auto 8839 to the recommended 1911.Restarted the PC and then i got no chance to start the game .After entering the main menu in Skyrim i wanted to load the savefile ,started loading and got CTD on any savefile.I suppose i have to live with it like that but still thanks for the ideas.Now at least im at peace that i now what causing it.

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