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Switch Home Ship In Space


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Not sure if this is possible or not, but it would be great to have a mod that allows you to change your home ship while in space.  For example, I have several large builds that don't fit well on the ground.  Would be great to swap to something smaller to head down to the planet's surface.

From an immersion standpoint, this also adds to the game as it is pretty common in sci-fi to have the mothership that remains in orbit while smaller ships go to the planet.

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9 hours ago, Sirvys said:

Another way to accomplish this would be to have the ability to create your own space stations with the ship builder terminal.  I know a mod for spacestations exists but it seem like it does not function very well.

It doesn't.  The author simply re-enabled cut content, without fixing all the issues that got it cut to begin with.  That's not a criticism, the author is very clear that it was never the intent to make a fully functional system.

A "mother ship" concept seems possible, by constructing a space station using Class M and ship hab parts.  Someone could probably fix the Starstation mod to allow those parts, but even then the station parts themselves need an overhaul (snap points and hab connections were never finished properly due to them being cut).

Moving that ship and leaving it parked in orbit is a problem, however.  Every planet has a predefined arrival point, and if you move your mother ship to a new planet it will occupy that point.  This means that if you take off from a planet to go to your mother ship your "shuttle" ends up inside the mother ship, and have to bang your way out into open space before you can turn around and dock.  Yes, I've done it using the Starstation mod and a consoled in pilot seat.  It makes a huge mess, but it works.

So to actually work you are talking about changing the mechanics to add a specific "space station" jump point.  Should be possible, given that stations created by the Starstation mod don't place new stations at the jump point, but definitely going to take some reverse engineering.

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14 hours ago, HeyYou said:

I don't think it's possible to change your home ship, while you are in it........ I don't think it's really doable with a mod either.


It is if you make the mother ship a space station that can not be set as "home", then provide a "ship technician" to allow changing ships.

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  1. Fix the Starstation mod.  It's extremely unstable and buggy, especially with regards to docking.
  2. Extend Starstation to include TN's Class M parts, with their fixed attachment points, etc.
  3. Along the same lines, fix the Starstation parts.  They need their attachment points edited so that they allow proper linking of habs.
  4. Create space station only pilot seats that don't set the player's home ship.  Or better yet a nav console.  This requires modifying the vanilla scripts, or creating a new one, that doesn't set a new home ship on grav jumps.
  5. Modify the station interior dock door to act as a ship builder terminal.
  6. Add a new grav jump point to the planetary default that is specifically designated for space stations/motherships.  The Starstation mod, which only uses assets that are already in the game, already does this, kind of.  It places new stations in a location that does not overlap the grav jump arrival point.

All of this is doable with tools that are currently available, it's just a really big job.  The CK would make it easier of course, but it's not necessary.  You need someone like TN to fix station parts, and someone good with scripting to deal with the home ship issue.

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