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FNV Wiki Says Lobotomites Speak


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  • 1 month later...

It looks like the male lobotomites are assigned to the CreatureFeralGhoul voice type, which is the one that contains the dialogue lines. On the other hand, female lobotomites are assigned to the NVDLC03LobotomiteVoiceFemale voice type--but I'm looking through the audio archives, and there's nothing there. There's not even a sub-folder for the voice type. I wonder if what happened in Fallout 3 happened here? I have yet to play Old World Blues, but if there would happen to be a sizable population of female lobotomites, that would explain why you don't hear them speak--they appear to have an empty voice type assigned to them. 🤔


Edit:   👀

Yeah, it's looking that way. Just checked the Feral Ghoul Dialogue Quest (quest ID is GenericFeralGhoul), and although it is conditioned to play the dialogue for users of both the CreatureFeralGhoul voice type and the NVDLC03LobotomiteVoiceFemale voice type, the latter's audio is nonexistent--there's nothing in its folder to pull from. At the very least, female lobotomites need to be reassigned to use the CreatureFeralGhoul voice type instead.


Edit 2: 📋

Also contributing to the rarity of certain dialogue, the responses that aren't the usual fare of feral snarls and growls are set to have a GetRandomPercent check of a value below 30.


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