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Best female body mod??


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The T6M Equipment Replacer NV has the mod armor available for the body https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/45505

When used in conjunction with BEWARE OF GIRL Type 3 HiRez HiDetailed Replacer https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/34702 and Mojave Delight for the face https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/44312

This is purely my opinion.  I don't have FO4, so cannot compare any FO3 or FNV mods to it.

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21 minutes ago, Ophiucus68 said:

In FO4, you can pick a body replacer type like CBBE, use bodyslide to alter appearance and outfit studio to convert any armor to any body type. I'm getting the impression that's not how it works for NV

Nope, body sliders aren't a thing in Fallout 3/NV and Oblivion. Whilst you can create outfits with outfit studio, bodies require more work to alter. There has been attempts to introduce CBBE for generating a .nif to use ingame but I don't think it's been explored enough beyond just the underwear/nude model.

These are simpler times, Every outfit has been hand-edited to fit their respective body types, it's all basically Type3 sharing the same skin textures but with different proportions, UV fixes and weights. The most complete of which would be T4(Type4) which is curvy but natural, T6M in a close second (which I work on alot) seen has the more unrealistic busty body and then Type3, older but the bodies are alot thinner in the arms, legs, chest etc. and of course there's BnB which is your boobie physics bouncy bouncy

There are a few more types littered around but whether they have fully fleshed out libraries of armor and clothing conversions is less certain. Whenever I want a specific armor for a body, I open blender and get to work which if you did for every armor in the game there's like 90, it takes a while lol.

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Body sliders has too few armor mods around F3/FNV scene it's just not worth installing, unless it is your thing.

T3/T6M is the body replacer of choice around here, with most numerous amount of mods. If you go with them, it's rare that you will regret.

Some people really like the thinnish form of T4 which is T3 but more lithe.

There's also a less mention, sneaking by, thic figure of bit tittied, big assed Type3BG body replacer. It is something of a niche, but there you go.


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8 hours ago, Ophiucus68 said:

Basically, find armor you like and match a body mod to it. If you want different armor, change body type to match the new armor set.

All depends on what is included in the files as it's uneven across the board,
in some cases you will need BnB & this skeleton, again most if not all have the same skin texture.
Here's a small list of options to choose from for FNV as of January 2024,

Type3 & Type3M seem to have everything you need
Type3BG (BnB required) has everything you need including DLC too
Type3F just a nude body, some custom outfits but no vanilla
Type3K just a nude body, no outfits avaliable (WIP)
Type4 includes everything you need, even support for some mod expansions like Frontier/New California
Type6M is missing the body skin texture and DLC outfits so you will have to source those (alot of choice)
Type6-CBBE (BnB required) incomplete vanilla armors
Type6P (BnB required) incomplete vanilla armors and DLC
Type6F just a nude body (I made that woohoo) (WIP)
skims Athletic (BnB) just a nude body, some outfits exist
SKINNY 6 (BnB) just a nude body, includes some custom outfits

From my understanding here's what the letters mean:
M - Modification, usually wider hips and thighs
P - Tighter waist for an hourglass look
F - Wider breast gap
K - Wider upper arms (Type6 and Type4 already have this)
BG - Bigger Gallagahoongas? Just very thicc...
BnB - Bouncing Natural Breasts, this is an additional addon and support for it is spotty.
If you check the Fallout 3 mod directory, you will also notice Alice, Berry, Cali etc. for Type3
though the changes in those cases are alot more minimal and sparse as they're over a decade
old at this point.

It may be worth while to understand how the data folder is organized and form your own combined archive of replacers depending on which armors and clothing you like especially in the case of T6M because of the variety out there. Pick a body you like and the start browsing for more outfits!

Edited by MuteSignals
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59 minutes ago, laclongquan said:

Considering BnB is need for the bouncing thing in a lot of mods, I suggest you take a close look at that first.

There is a few conflicts too, like sad how I can't have diagonal movement and BnB to my knowlegde. There's probably a discussion about this on the Diagonal Movement mod page for fixes but that's exactly it, it requires a lil more depth understanding of skeletons.
Personally, I don't mind being without BnB but it is the OP's choice hehe.

Always check the requirements before downloading anything!

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