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Very old question regarding CK which i never got solved and would like to know now

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Hello there ladies and gentlemen.

I tried out CK modding back many years ago when i was young and tough and beautiful and... - jokes aside i was tried it out around 2012 and back then i learned the most "basic" things like how to fix the face bug, i learned that navemsh is pretty damn necessary, i learned how to make merchants with a connected chest. i even learned packages for npcs. (was very proud of that back then xD) and even i forgot all of this the past years i am confident i can learn these things again. but there are a couple of things which i never figured out how to do:

- i never figured out how to let npcs patrole paths

- i never figured out how to attach static clutter to moving objects (like modders do for caravan mods for example)


i know there are plenty modders out there now which know all these things, so i don't have to ask if someone knows these things, but i want to ask if some of you could answer me these things. 

kind regards and happy new year.


Edited by Cailan33
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Wish I could answer you, but those two are things that I do not know.  Hopefully, you'll get a knowledgeable response soon.  I wouldn't mind reading up on how to do it myself, not that I'll ever have a need for it.  Just curious.

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Here is a tutorial on how to do the #1

As to #2, best advice I can give is load a mod that does what you are interested in, load it in CK and see how it does it.

For Khajiit caravans, I suspect the encampment always exists, but disabled when caravan is not there. 

Other option, mods that let player create a camp anywhere, generally use a script to place a bunch of objects in the world (essentially like player.placeatme console command)  and then another script to remove those objects when needed.

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Re #2 - I think what you're asking is how do you attach various items to an animated, or moving object. There's a few ways this could be done - one of the easiest and most reliable is to edit the (eg) caravan nif, and add say pots and pans to wherever you like.

However there's a more complex way it can be done from within the creation kit, which ALMOST works...

Have a look on the giant nirnroot island on the northeast of the Solstheim map. There's a small boat there rocking to and fro on the shore. In the boat are a variety of items including a sack and a small chest. And they all move with the rocking boat! You can even open the chest!

What has been done here is the 'attach ref' tab has be set on these references to have the boat as their parent. So they take animation and translation directly from this reference, their 3D and collision should be connected as if 'glued' on.

In fact it's possible to do a few quite cool things. Eg in one of my mods I have a moving cage lift, with opening doors, and activateable buttons attached to a console inside the lift - the doors and buttons will stay connected to the lift and move with it.

HOWEVER - the developers never ironed out some of the bugs. From my research, it seems in the case of loading a game previously saved in the same cell as these attached reference, those attached references can become hidden. It may be possible to add an alias to the player, and use OnPlayerLoadGame() to reset this, and use something like SplineTranslateToRefNode() to move those attached refs back in place, using a named node defined on the parent nif. It's possible you may need to disable and enable them first - to 'shake' them back to life.

Hope this helps - I spent a little time looking at this so may have more information if you're interested.

Cheers - dafydd99

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