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Bug with body cbbe and bodyslider. Help, plz


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How to fix it? The body preset was patched before launching the game. For some reason, some clothing mods work fine, that is, they fit normally, but others have holes. What to do?

Снимок экрана 2024-02-10 130817.png

Edited by Chealeanger3D
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Sometimes not all the outfits get properly built when you run that utility.

As the previous poster said check to make sure "with morphs" was toggled

Also make sure all your clothing packs show up in the list of whats built.

If not you may want to refresh. and dont forget to toggle "unassigned" when selecting your clothing packs as well.

For me some clothes also simply dont seem to adjust when I manipulate the figure extra with the sliders beyond the original downloaded preset.

But there are so many clothes packs out there, lazman, vtaw, sky etc

Some of them feature near identical outfits so you should find out that works.

I build my female settlers via a settler creation mod and they "take" all morphs from my preset save, and maybe 10% of clothes have these issues.


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On 2/11/2024 at 6:46 AM, 363rdChemicalCompany said:

I build my female settlers via a settler creation mod and they "take" all morphs from my preset save, and maybe 10% of clothes have these issues.



Which mod is that? I have an issue similar to OP, so certain outfits are basically unusable unless I want female settlers or companions to have cartoonish proportions. I downloaded most of the vtaw packs, only to discover that there are about 4 outfits that don't require breasts that are 55GGGGGGGG and an ass with its own zip code. Yeah, that's a little bit of an exaggeration, but it doesn't seem like much of one when I put a top on a female with average breasts and it's hovering 18 inches in front of her. It'd be nice if all this stuff fit.


Thanks in advance.

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5 hours ago, stg58fal said:


Which mod is that? I have an issue similar to OP, so certain outfits are basically unusable unless I want female settlers or companions to have cartoonish proportions. I downloaded most of the vtaw packs, only to discover that there are about 4 outfits that don't require breasts that are 55GGGGGGGG and an ass with its own zip code. Yeah, that's a little bit of an exaggeration, but it doesn't seem like much of one when I put a top on a female with average breasts and it's hovering 18 inches in front of her. It'd be nice if all this stuff fit.


Thanks in advance.

Settler builder. I use it to make my female settlers now ( after  along time of using Commonwealth Captives for my female settlers which also worked well as they were invariably hotties)


Boht methods set the girls at the default game level for settlers which is level 2. Better settlers which I have enabled does not "hook" into either method for some reason. but thats ok I just need the girls to look pretty not fight.

Thats what my tough guys are for. I spawn them via cheat Console (game modifications...--> workshop--->Spawn male settlers  OR cheat console, downloadable content---> far harbor---> Spawn settler, here I save since some of the times its females, but the time when the boys show up, they are tough fighter looking dudes 30-50s which is perfect for my vision. Better settlers sets them level 25 but also mortal.)

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1 minute ago, 363rdChemicalCompany said:

Settler builder. I use it to make my female settlers now ( after  along time of using Commonwealth Captives for my female settlers which also worked well as they were invariably hotties)


Boht methods set the girls at the default game level for settlers which is level 2. Better settlers which I have enabled does not "hook" into either method for some reason. but thats ok I just need the girls to look pretty not fight.

Thats what my tough guys are for. I spawn them via cheat Console (game modifications...--> workshop--->Spawn male settlers  OR cheat console, downloadable content---> far harbor---> Spawn settler, here I save since some of the times its females, but the time when the boys show up, they are tough fighter looking dudes 30-50s which is perfect for my vision)


Cool, thank you.


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While we are on the subject.

Vtaw while he a rockstar of Fallout 4  modding and still very active are not the only awesome clothes packs out there.

There is also lazman the first link includes  couple of ultrashort but otherwise "normal"dresses that just look post apoc ragged out which I think is very immersive


These are also nice but only half of them "build" properly for me:


This female animation is a MUST for any fan of the female form:



there is also a great skyrim conversion clothes pack that is awesome which I cant find right now

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  • 3 weeks later...

I solved this problem. You won't believe how. It turned out that I had to wear boots. Yes, ordinary boots, and that’s fine. Funny

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14 hours ago, MyMELODY2531 said:

I solved this problem. You won't believe how. It turned out that I had to wear boots. Yes, ordinary boots, and that’s fine. Funny

When boots fix the female body this is because they successfully built your bodyslide for that slot.

So when you put them on it forces your body to reflect that slide. So the visuals are ok. I have also used this as a temp fix when I had similar issues.

But if you do any AAF animations for sex and the boots come off the default body will appear.

But I want my girls to keep thier bodies when they get naked as well. there is a way to get the naked body to conform as well. I dont remebr what I did I do at times also have this issue.

There is a setting to prevent the footwear ( slot 33 I think) from getting stripped durign sex in one of the fundamental AAF mods, but I do not recall if it was AAF frame work ( probably) or another.


PS: Also for some reason some clothes pcks often include one or two outfits that dont properly take morphs even when built. When its  abit issue try different clothes packs there are many good ones on here.

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