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Vtaw left NexusMods


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In a similar vein, vtaw is ( was?) a RockStar modder on here, who gives freely of this time on a HUGE scale creating the content that makes this site work.

It is people like him, that "bring home the bacon" for the staff here.

Based on my own experience being Senior Admin from the very beginning of the "forum" phenomenon, for a couple of very large forums spanning over 15 yrs, we always gave considerations to posters that were either a) Rockstar contributors or b) had a history of being particularily nice and helpful.

Vtaw clearly falls into category a) and perhaps even b). 

I looked at the pic JTK linked in this thread. It is, IMHO,  not all that racy, certainly grey area IMHO.

Anyhow.. just my 2 cents.

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19 hours ago, Karna5 said:

I'll take this question as genuine rather than rhetorical. I am of the philosophy that talking is better and preferable to punishment. For instance, did the moderator in question talk to Vtaw when first giving the adult flag, or did the moderator just put the adult flag without persuading or explaining to vtaw? If the latter, then what happened was an escalation of a clash.

In my youth I was a bouncer from time to time in several punk bars of Detroit and Pontiac. I was very good at spotting trouble (I could see over the heads of everyone), but my approach was always to put a gentle hand on trouble makers' shoulders and lean down and whisper in their ears. I never hit anyone. I always solved problems with a whisper.

I would like to think the conflict with vtaw (bad/hostile modder aside) could have been handled with a whisper. I will never know as that is between vtaw and the moderator, however. And frankly, I don't want to know.

There are details we aren't privy to - to the point we shouldn't be speculating.

It does beg the question though.   If a moderator placed and Adult Content flag on a mod, how in the world would the mod author have the ability to remove that tag in the first place?

Sounds like something they need to look at in regards to staff placed tags.

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6 hours ago, fraquar said:

It does beg the question though.   If a moderator placed and Adult Content flag on a mod, how in the world would the mod author have the ability to remove that tag in the first place?

As far as I'm aware, you can't remove moderator/staff placed tags. And the example given is not a good one. This now smells dubious and conspiratorial to me. Sounds like Vtaw couldn't have even been slapped with a warning like that even if they wanted to.

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On 2/24/2024 at 1:18 AM, NiteFromWindhelm said:

As far as I'm aware, you can't remove moderator/staff placed tags. And the example given is not a good one. This now smells dubious and conspiratorial to me. Sounds like Vtaw couldn't have even been slapped with a warning like that even if they wanted to.

Again, we don't know the details - all we can do is speculate.

JustThatKing said the tags were added by a moderator - which should suggest that the only way they can be removed is by a) Another person with Administrator status and b) with a corresponding ticket explaining why such action was taken.

Unless the protocols aren't being managed properly...


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  • 1 month later...

So I just noticed that Vtaw's formal warning has been removed. Vtaw did not know that a moderator had added the tag and believed that the tag was added by the community and that it was added in error. So this was all just a misunderstanding?

On 2/23/2024 at 5:39 AM, Karna5 said:

did the moderator just put the adult flag without persuading or explaining to vtaw?

Looks like this is what happened. Vtaw did not know that a moderator had added the tag.

By the way, Vtaw Wardrobe 9 still became February's Mod of the Month with 100+ more votes than the mod in 2rd place, despite Vtaw's mod being hidden for most of the month. So, Vtaw is back, the warning is removed, and Wardrobe 9 became the Mod of the Month. It all ended well.

But let's hope something like this does not happen again.

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