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Are most New Vegas mods safe to use in TTW?


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Mods that add weapons, armor, ingestibles, misc. items, etc. tend to be fairly compatible, but you usually won't find the items anywhere in the Capital Wasteland.

If items are added to leveled lists and such via a script, that is also usually fairly compatible since the lists aren't actually modified by the mod (if you directly edit a leveled list, your mod will conflict with any other mod that edits the same list). A lot of weapons mods don't do this correctly, and they instead edit the leveled lists directly. This results in a lot of incompatibilities with TTW as well as with other mods that affect the same leveled lists.

Custom race mods are generally not compatible since the race creators usually don't bother to set up the age-race versions. There are patches available for TTW for custom races that aren't set up properly. If you have a custom race that isn't set up properly and you don't have a patch, your character will get screwed up during the Vault 101 beginning (when you get aged down to a child, then teenager, then adult) and your character will get screwed up again when you go into Tranquility Lane (when you get aged to a child then back to an adult).

Mods that edit vendor scripts and the like can cause TTW to halt crash and burn rather spectacularly.

Mods that use higher resolution textures tend to make the game less stable. FNV leaks memory, and one of those memory leaks is in its texture caching system. TTW uses a lot more memory than the base FNV game, so anything that increases memory usage will make the game run out of memory and crash sooner. Do you want a stable game or do you want a pretty game? Choose one or the other. You can't have both.

Similarly, large mods in general will cause memory issues which either result in crashes or just weird things happening. If you want to play a mod that has lots of worldspaces and stuff in it, make a configuration that has that mod active and has all of your TTW mods inactive. When you want to play TTW, enable all of your TTW mods and disable the mod with all the stuff in it.

Companion mods generally work, but the companion will usually spawn somewhere in the FNV worldspace. FO3 companions are smart enough to know that they can't enter Tranquility Lane. FNV companions don't have a clue as to what Tranquility Lane even is, so they'll follow you inside when they really shouldn't. As long as you remember to leave your companion outside when you enter Tranquility Lane then everything is fine.

I'm sure there's more but that's what I can think of off the top of my head.

I think the TTW site has lists of what is compatible and what isn't.

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For 322, maaaaaaybe. For 332, most of them wont be. It's not so much buggy as creating incompatibilities with TTW332 system.

First, value of FNV items are changed according to F3 standard, aka very much lower, So all the items that has value data would possibily get changed. And the mod would likely revert those changes.

Second, DR/DT system is introduced to armo items. So lots of items get affected in this part. Again, that mod would revert those TTW changes.

Third, weapons' damage is scaled back to F3 standard, as well as changing in object effect.

Two above aspect will likely break combat balance, either for easier, or more difficult, depend on the circumstances. Economy balance as well, as TTW332 economy was lovingly tailored from the old system.

Fourth, quest and dialogs are changed in certain conditions, as well as scripts. Thus FNV mods might break this part of TTW.

Fifth, particularly, the scripts to firing companions so they return to certain place to wait. TTW introduce DC areas, so companions will return to DC home in DC, and MOjave home in MOjave. Thus ALL the firing companions scripts are rewritten.

Etc and etc....

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