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Alternate Ways of Learning Quest-Locked Shouts


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I'm renewing this request since I think the guy who said he would attempt it forgot about it... :sad:


Anyway... Would it be possible to add alternate means of unlocking words of power that are in quest locked locations?... I know I could just no clip in or add them through console commands, but thats not very lore/roleplay friendly. As the Greybeards have shown when teaching Fus Ro Dah and other shouts, the dragon born does not require a word wall to learn words of power. He/she just needs to see the word and then unlock it's meaning. Perhaps it could be done by placing ancient books or scrolls with the words in them in out of the way but always accessible dungeons? Maybe the Greybeards could have them jotted down some where in High Hrothgar? (They never leave the place so they must have that information recorded somewhere there)

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Unfortunately, I think your suggestion is still game-breaking. If all you need is to have it written on a scroll or stone, what would even be the need to have it on word walls at all? why wouldn't EVERY word of power be like that?


The best solution, in my humble opinion, would be to relocate most of the quest-locked shouts (excluding Ustengrav, since that one has a lore-friendly excuse for being quest-locked) into either other draugr dungeons that dont typically have word walls, or simply create more open-air dragon lairs.


The latter would actually be preferred, since they could subsequently be used to expand the options for radiant dragon-hunting quests, such as Dragon Seekers or Bounty: Dragon.

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There's a mod I belive, with the name of ''The Freedom of Speech''

It relocates shouts that were in places that were only avaylable to players who were doing certain quests.

Be avare though, it needs a new game, or you to not discover the places these locked shouts are at.

Have a good day, and enjoy!

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There's a mod I belive, with the name of ''The Freedom of Speech''

It relocates shouts that were in places that were only avaylable to players who were doing certain quests.

Be avare though, it needs a new game, or you to not discover the places these locked shouts are at.

Have a good day, and enjoy!


I just looked up the Freedom of Speech mod, but the file is hidden.

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