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Fallout in TV


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Saw that when they released it.    Looks interesting.

Then again this is Amazon we are talking about here.   

At least they can't butcher the music.


They at least got the right guy to play the bounty hunter.

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Jonathan Nolan scores 100% as a TV series producer in my book. Ever since Person of Interest followed by what he did later, he's head and shoulders above nearly everyone else. I wouldn't have much hope for Fallout as a TV series except for the fact it's being made by Jonathan Nolan.

On a side note, Walton Goggins is an incredible actor. Ever since what I saw of him in The Shield, I'd check out any show he's in as well.

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I am so looking forward to this, as with the trailers a whole lot of "Easter Eggs" from prior games!

The S.A. look good too.

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I dont think this series was made for the fans.

For example they set it just a couple of years after the Brotherhood of Steel had been decisively defeated in Southern California and the NCR was a large dominant Nation state providing civilization ( am not an NCR fanboy just saying what it is)

But since the plot had to take place in SoCal because thats where the producers and amazon Execs live so they retconned the Brotherhood back into the location , because the BoS with its Vertibird and Power Armors,  is a lot sexier to casual viewers  than a gritty Republic going about providing clean water and common defense. And then they even write "The brotherhood goal is ot provide law and order in the wasteland". Uhm no its not, They are not the bad guys but this is not thier mission. Often I wonder if the recovery of the wastes has not been held back by the BoS hoovering up all this technology people could have used to provide for themslevs and fight off the assorted monsters of the wasteland.

We had a HUGE thread on this on steam. Nolans statement about "writing a social message" gave everyone the creeps too. This is what has ruined Star Wars and The Marvel universe. Execs and writers allowing themsleves to be guided by their personal ideological proclivities and forcing them ona  resisting fanbase with predictable results.

Clearly the uproar in the fan community in Response to these glaring plot holes from the first couple of trailers has not gone unnoticed among the producers and the latest trailers shows a giant grater in Shady Sands the capital of the NCR.

So they clearly went through some mental gymnastics to rewrite the BOS into SoCal to retcon it back in.

Would have been easier to just change the location to say the midwest or the East coast.

They also showed an obvious copy of Megaton in the trailer. Megaton is not in SoCal.

Clearly they took all the most photogenic elements of the game (PAs, Big nukes as centers of a town, etc) to make it attractive to the non fan viewer. They know we the fans will watch it regardless and that we will be  captive audience. Having said that the visuals in the trailers look excellent.

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2 minutes ago, 363rdChemicalCompany said:

I dont think this series was made for the fans.

I don't expect it to be. Take, for instance, the complete re-imaging of Westworld which Jonathan Nolan executed. Both are fantastic, but they have very little in common with each other.

I do not expect Fallout TV series to be anything like the games, and I welcome this. I want fully fleshed characters and a complex story. I don't give a crap about whether it follows the games because I've already played the games to death. I want more. I demand more 🙂 Heck, I want art.

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4 minutes ago, Karna5 said:

I don't expect it to be. Take, for instance, the complete re-imaging of Westworld which Jonathan Nolan executed. Both are fantastic, but they have very little in common with each other.

I do not expect Fallout TV series to be anything like the games, and I welcome this. I want fully fleshed characters and a complex story. I don't give a crap about whether it follows the games because I've already played the games to death. I want more. I demand more 🙂 Heck, I want art.

Haha I can definetly see your point.

And Westworld at least the 1st season of it, was a work of art.

I binged it on an oil rig in the North Sea, when production got shut down.. while everyone else was drinking Beer and watching p.o.r.n. 


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11 minutes ago, 363rdChemicalCompany said:

because the BoS with its Vertibird and Power Armors

Sorry I forgot to comment on The Brotherhood of Steel and am glad you brought it up.

The B.o.S. is evil. I despise them. Most play throughs I kill them on sight. They're bigots. They're just so horrible. If the Fallout TV series had followed the PC Game lore for B.o.S. I would want B.o.S. in the TV series to die die die die die die die die die die and die *laughs*

So it's a great relief that they're not following the PC lore for that stupid religious institution 🙂

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58 minutes ago, fraquar said:

BoS and Institute - they both die on sight.

*Laughs* Just FYI, there's a scene in a basement if you take the institute route, and if you pass a couple of hard speech checks to get a scientist up peacefully, without violence, at the end of the Institute story line you get the option to have the most benevolent outcome of the whole game. You get to direct the Institute to not only help the commonwealth but to treat everyone fairly. You literally control its path, but you only get that option if you talk a scientist out of a basement peacefully.

While the Railroad, well meaning as they are, are killers who wipe the brains (murdering) the synths they try to save, and while the Minutemen have the most epic and awesome finale defending the castle against the BoS, the only ending which actually results in true peace and prosperity for the commonwealth is the semi-hidden ending with the Institute.

You're right the institute starts evil. Their coursers murder any independent minded synths, for instance. But that can all change if you take full control of the Institute with its best ending.

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